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Wolf, Fyresdal | Wolf shot in Telemark

At 19:00 on Wednesday night, a wolf was shot and killed at Finndøla power station in Fyresdal. Jan Arild Ålandsli witnessed it all.

Get over the hunting team

Ålandsli himself is not part of the hunting team that killed the wolf, but witnessed it all on Wednesday night. He was on his way to pick up his daughter when he came across the hunting team.

After the wolf was shot, he got to see it up close, and also got to take pictures of it.

– It was observed in Krossli early today, then it was observed in Fyresdal this afternoon, Ålandsli says to TA.

Probably the same wolf

According to Ålandsli, the hunting team that killed the wolf has claimed that it is the same wolf that was observed repeatedly last weekend in the area between Bø and Seljord.

The Norwegian Environmental Protection Agency believes that there may be one and the same wolf.

– But can not completely rule out that there are more. We will investigate the place where the wolf was shot and take it with us. It is the state’s property, says Espen Marker in the Norwegian Environmental Protection Agency NRK.

Killed sheep and lambs

In that case, it will also mean that it is the same wolf that killed several sheep and lambs on a farm in Seljord on Sunday night.

At midnight on Sunday night, Eilev Bjørge in Seljord had his worst night as a sheep farmer. Suddenly he was in the field between the sheep and the wolf.

– I heard the bells. The sheep ran like crazy, and the wolf took both sheep and lambs, Bjørge told TA.

In total, Bjørge lost one sheep and five lambs in the attack.

– It must be some of the worst I have experienced. I stood there with the sheep and the wolf and tried to chase it, said Bjørge.

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