Experts are now evaluating possible DNA traces in the laboratory in order to be able to answer the question
In the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district, wildlife experts are currently investigating the suspicion of a new wolf attack. A dead goat appeared in the Münstertal municipality on Monday (06/20/2022).
Experts from the Forestry Research and Testing Institute in Freiburg documented the crack on site and now handed over the dead goat to the chemical and veterinary investigation office in Freiburg. There, professionals should use possible DNA traces to find out whether it is actually a wolf or another animal.
Reports of similar incidents have increased in recent months
Münstertal is within the designated support area for wolf prevention in the Black Forest. According to the current state of knowledge, three male wolves have already made their home there and regularly roam the forests. Only on Tuesday did the experts confirm a new wolf sighting in a photo trap near Simonswald in April.
According to the authorities, the livestock associations have already been informed about the new incident, as have the wildlife officers in the region. Any observations suspecting a wolf should be reported immediately to the FVA in Freiburg, either by phone on 0761/4018274 or by email.
You can find detailed information on the wolf prevention funding area, on the protection of livestock herds and on how to behave when wolves and humans meet on the website of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Environment.