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Wolbachia Mosquito and Dengue Fever: Is Fogging Still Necessary?

CNN Indonesia

Tuesday, 21 Nov 2023 19:16 IWST

Illustration. The way the Wolbachia mosquito works is by suppressing the replication of the Dengue virus. (AP/Rick Bowmer)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Mosquito Wolbachia considered effective in reducing the spread dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). This mosquito is said to be able to inhibit the growth of the dengue virus that causes dengue fever.

So, can the emergence of the Wolbachia mosquito change the process? fogging Do mosquitoes cause dengue fever?

The main researcher on Wolbachia mosquito research in Yogyakarta, Adi Utarini, who is also a Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University (UGM), explained that Wolbachia mosquitoes can indeed reduce dengue cases by 77.1 percent. Apart from that, cases of hospitalization due to dengue fever could also fall by up to 86 percent.

However, this fairly high effectiveness cannot replace the process fogging. This professor who is often called Uut said, fogging still have to be done, but with less intensity.

“Before fogging done frequently, now the intensity can be reduced. But that doesn’t mean it’s gone completely. Fogging “It’s still there, it’s not just Dengue mosquitoes that exist in nature,” said Uut.

However, he did not specify the effects fogging against Wolbachia mosquitoes.

Decades of research

On that occasion, Uut also explained that his party had been conducting research related to Wolbachia mosquitoes for almost 12 years, namely since 2011. There were approximately 24 experts involved in this research.

Trials to assess the effectiveness of the Wolbachia mosquito in fighting dengue fever continue to be carried out until positive results are achieved. Experts have also considered various negative risks that could arise when mosquitoes are released into nature.

“And the result is that the risk is very, very low. Mosquitoes have been proven to be effective in fighting the Dengue virus,” he said.

He also confirmed the use of Wolbachia bacteria in mosquitoes Temples of the Egyptians This is also without genetic engineering and will not pollute the environment. There were no dangerous chemicals involved in this research.

“If fogging we know he comes from chemistry and, of, sometimes he’s dangerous. But not Wolbachia. “It will not pollute the biotic or abiotic environment,” he explained.


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2023-11-21 12:16:29
#Wolbachia #fogging #needed #prevent #dengue #fever

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