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Wojtek and Agaty from Life on Wheelz have broken up! Here’s why

Wojtek Sawicki is undoubtedly one of the most popular influencers on the web, who fights for understanding for people with disabilities. He himself struggles with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. However, the disease did not prevent him from fulfilling his dreams and happiness in his private life. In 2022, he married his partner, Agata Tomaszewska.

On August 4, Wojtek and Agata Sawicki announced in a joint statement that they had decided to ending a relationship.

This information may come as a shock to you. But we didn’t want to delay it any longer. Besides, honesty has always been a priority in our business. And we still want to stick to that. To the point: after six years of being together, we have decided to break up. It was a beautiful time that had a great impact on us. We were connected by an incredible, selfless love. We feel that we are emerging from this relationship as better, more aware people. We have gained a lot of good from this intense and magical relationship. However, for some time now we have felt that our feelings have faded away.. It’s painful because we really fought for them. We tried for many months to avert the crisis. We didn’t succeed. We can no longer fight, we are tired mentally and physically. Life has died in us. So we are slowly coming to terms with the unpleasant fact that people break up regardless of whether they are able-bodied or not. As you can see, this also applies to couples like ours. Yes, an interablistic relationship can also fall apart. You also have to be aware that every relationship carries the risk of separation. We took that risk. Now, it is true that we are suffering and fear the future. But it was worth it! We experienced something fantastic, something difficult to describe in words. We will never regret it! – we read.

The rest of the article is below the video

See also: Wojtek Sawicki: “I can’t imagine a relationship without closeness”

However, it seems that Wojtek and Agata remain on friendly terms. As they admit, they still intend to stay in touch and run their Instagram profile.

We part on good terms, we don’t feel any animosity towards each other. We will remain friends for the rest of our lives, keeping our fingers crossed for each other.. Or at least we would like it very much. We plan to continue Life On Wheelz, because it is our life project that teaches, helps, changes the way many people think about disability. If we had not met, LoW would never have been created. A lot will change now, difficult times await us. Our love will no longer be the subject of our activities. Life On Wheelz will focus more on Wojtek’s personal life, education, disability, accessibility, personal assistance, basically what he has been talking about so far.. We still have a lot to do here. Why are we sharing this very private message with you? Because we want to be honest with you, not hide anything. We believe we owe it to you. For years of supporting our love. Thank you! – wrote.

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And that is precisely the influencer’s hypocrisy, regardless of health and fitness. Just a few days and weeks ago they were posting photos as a couple in love and in harmony. All for money.

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This information confirmed my belief that… silence is golden.

Has life died in us? What a babble

It wasn’t love. It was business. A lot depended on the clicks of interested people reading about them. They want to continue this business. However, I don’t know if people are so keen to read, to be interested in sick people. Most often, they want to relax, rest, reading something light. This is the second such couple that was created on a similar basis and which is breaking up. Healthy people should think hard before giving sick people hope for a life together. You can be colleagues, friends, but marriage is something else. You can’t throw other people’s hopes around, especially in such cases.

great love unfortunately did not survive the test of time, but the most important thing is that their life project will continue to revolve

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Finally! It was impossible to watch her suffer! All for show, all for money! Sick from start to finish! 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

And I think that they are still married, they just wrote it that way to leave them alone, because someone keeps writing that Agata is tired, that why, etc.

Wojtek written with his surname, and Agata?

got bored healthy is always better than sick after all, you can dance, go somewhere and so what a healthy person is independent, that’s the difference after all

Or maybe he wants her to get her life together…you haven’t thought about the fact that if he loves her, he knows what he cannot give her.

Seriously? Do you have to show them? This can’t be unseen!!!

It was predictable, he was simply blocking her, she was really wasting her time with him, she could have been a mother long ago and a nanny of a disabled adult

Suddenly, out of thousands of people on the net, she chose a disabled person, she flew around the breakfast bars, the money matched. Durex, interviews and fame. Suddenly, when people got rich, the love died out. It turned out that life is care, not insta. For me, she is a disturbed attention seeker. She leaves a sick person who is supposedly so loved, but she will keep her fingers crossed. The bottom and a meter of mud.

in my opinion

15 hours ago

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Maybe the interest was already weak and they turned the tables to make people hear about them again?

Honestly, I wouldn’t get into such a situation.

People are hyenas, some of them. How do you know they won’t come back together?

They deserve each other. She’s disturbed, he’s demanding. It had to end like this

Daniel and Marita Majewski also left each other, like 2 or 3 times, and then came back together 😉

maybe it’s for the audience. After all, they still want to see each other together, so it could be to drum up interest, because they’re not usually talked about.

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