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Wobbly particle puts our knowledge of nature on the slope …

The Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab

Photo: AP

Particle physicists these days walk on the tips of their toes. There are increasing indications that one small particle does not adhere to the standard model of particle physics. And that could give a new insight into the origin of the universe.

Particle physics is the theoretical model with which scientists try to explain the structure of physical reality as well as possible. But measurements in the American Fermilab, the famous particle institute in Chicago, show that muons, the heavier variants of electrons, wobble more than expected. The deviation from the theoretical prediction is almost certainly due to particles or other physical phenomena that we do not yet know.

Physicists had already seen this abnormality in another experiment in 2001, but then the chance of coincidence was still too great. With the new and larger experiment, that chance has shrunk to 1 in 40,000. To really speak of a discovery, one in 3.5 million must be reached. To this end, new measurements will be carried out in the next two to three years.

A step further

The American announcement follows two weeks after other big news. In mid-March, researchers at the European particle accelerator CERN also shared abnormal behavior in muons, although this involved different behavior and the chance of coincidence is greater: 1 in 300. “It is starting to itch now,” says particle physicist Jorgen D’Hondt (VUB). “There could be something we haven’t understood yet. This can open the door to new physics. ”

That is not only interesting for particle connoisseurs. It can help answer why questions, provide insight into the origin of the universe ‘out of nothing’ and above all teach us a lot about dark matter. Barely 5 percent of the universe is made of atoms. “We don’t know what it is about the rest. This result can help us a step further in unraveling that 95 percent. ”

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