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Without notes that the child is in II, III and IV class for the one-time aid

The Ministry of Social Affairs has proposed in the law on the state budget to accept the dropping of the currently mandatory note from the parent that his child is enrolled in the ІІ, ІІІ and ІІ classes, in order for the family to receive the one-time student aid.

This was found to be an unnecessary administrative burden.

For these students, it will be officially checked which class they were in the previous school year, since they necessarily continue in a higher class. However, if the children have dropped out of the education system and the children for whom the one-off aid is claimed do not go to school, their parents will have to return the money.

The requirement to provide certificates for enrolled students in grades I and VIII remains, in case families want to receive the aid before the start of the school year. The reason is that in these stages of education there is mandatory enrollment, and the Social Assistance Agency receives from the Ministry of Education the data on the students actually enrolled in these classes on October 5 at the earliest – after the start of the school year.

This is necessary, because the ASP receives from the Ministry of Education and Culture the data on the actually enrolled students in the relevant class of study on October 5 at the earliest, i.e. after the beginning of the school year.

The Social Assistance Agency, through its territorial divisions, has already started accepting applications for declarations for granting the one-off aid for students for the academic year 2023/2024, processing all received documents. The disbursement of the funds will start after the adoption of the Law on the State Budget of the Republic of Bulgaria for 2023, which will determine the amount of aid for the upcoming school year.

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