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Without much noise, but… – Periódico Guerrillero

Last Saturday night, the “Lírico” mansion, as the Pinar del Río population knows it, was the venue -without much noise, but with enough responsibility and a sense of belonging- in terms of reaffirming the Vueltabajera identity: that which we have called, If we accept the neologism, pinareñidad, of the premiere of an audiovisual material conceived as a fair tribute to the Ernesto Lecuona lyrical company, which has just reached its 60th anniversary since its founding, and also for the 20th anniversary of the creation of the Teaching Unit of This group, in charge of training professionals in lyrical singing and dancing, a fact that becomes a guarantee of the survival of this form of performing arts.

The IPVCE Federico Engels is one of the centers that receives the visit / Presentation of the Ernesto Lecuona Lyric Theater

The Clave channel and TelePinar came together to produce this material that includes testimonies, images and fragments of memorable performances, which are now history and enrich the documentary memory of this musical genre in which Pinar del Río has maintained a leading role in the country. , thanks to the creative will and perseverance of the director and teacher Francisco Alonso.

Lyric IPVCE Guerrilla Pinar del Rio Cuba 1 750x338 1

In just 27 minutes, Luis Hidalgo Ramos, the main architect of this artistic product, manages to synthesize the most outstanding moments in the Company’s work. From an aesthetic point of view, I dare to describe its workmanship as impeccable.

The highest authorities of the province witnessed the presentation, and at the end of the day, Yamilé Ramos Cordero, first secretary of the Party, excitedly expressed her gratitude to the entire valuable creative team, for palpably constituting a sample of the artistic talent that exists in the province. Cuban West. She suggested that similar activities be replicated in important centers of the territory and especially in student clusters, so that the youth perceive how much fine sensitivity can be found among our fellow citizens.

Very receptive ears interpreted this idea and as of last Tuesday it has begun to bear fruit, since the emblematic IPVCE Federico Engels welcomed and enjoyed legitimate art during the morning of that day: that which, paraphrasing José Martí, is to flee from the petty and take refuge in the big.

Soon we will see on the billboard of our National Television the result of the intelligence and originality of those who know how to dignify this piece of the Cuban archipelago.

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