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Without covid vaccine to UAM students there will be no return to classes: SITUAM

The Secretary General of the Independent Union of Workers of the Autonomous Metropolitan University (SITUAM), Jorge Dorantes, reported that its around 5,000 affiliates will not return to their face-to-face work, until all students are not vaccinated against covid-19. If there is no vaccine for the entire community, “there will be no early return to school, there would be no conditions.”

He announced that from May 20 to 22, the Ordinary General Council of this union will meet virtually “to assess what is happening around the vaccine against the pandemic; there is uncertainty, there is no clarity, neither from the federal government, nor from the UAM ”.

Asked by the reporter, he pointed out “we have had meetings in the General Council of Delegates (CGD) where they have begun to review this matter. There are different opinions in the institutions, there is no certainty, no clarity, or dates, they said that last May we returned and let’s see the conditions in which we are right now ”.

It should be remembered that around 50 thousand students and another 5 thousand workers who are not affiliated with SITUAM attend the five UAM campuses.

Today, Friday, the authorities of the HOW put the platform into service vacunate.uam.mx for the voluntary pre-registration of its workers, both administrative and academic, for the covid-19 vaccine. This site will be available until May 5.

It is reported that this pre-registration will not interfere with the vaccination schedule by age carried out by the federal government. Even workers between 50 and 59 years of age, which is the range that would be about to enter the vaccine at the national level, will be able to choose the vaccine of their choice.

The leader emphasized that the issue of the vaccine has not been mentioned at all to the student body; “This issue needs to be addressed.” The entire UAM community, including students, administrators and academics, unionized and non-unionized, number around 60,000 ”.

For the leader, the entire community will have to be vaccinated if a return to school is wanted soon.

He reported that the union’s Hygiene and Safety Commissions will meet next week “for a safe return to classes. At the moment there are no conditions for an immediate return to the facilities ”.


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