Home » today » Entertainment » Without Covid-19 certificate verification: side by side, people enjoy musicians performing in the “Emergency Brigade” park

Without Covid-19 certificate verification: side by side, people enjoy musicians performing in the “Emergency Brigade” park


Artists performed for several hours, an illusionist show and other activities were held. The event brought together a number of artists: the group “Bermuda Triangle”, musicians Reiki, DJ Gustavito and several dance groups.

According to publicly available information, it was not necessary to present a valid Covid-19 certificate or a negative Covid-19 test to attend the event, as required by the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers (CM).

For an entrance fee of 20 or 25 euros, the event was available to anyone interested.

The Ministry of Culture (MoC) has also reacted to the event today, asking the responsible authorities to assess whether the event has taken place in accordance with the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers. In the opinion of the Ministry, violations may be visible.

“The information published on the event organizer’s website about the possibility to purchase tickets for” AB Park’s Superest July Day “with variants for the whole day or separately for the evening, and for invited several artists who perform to the audience, contains signs of a public event,” comments KM.

Meanwhile, the owner of the amusement park “Emergency Brigade” Mārtiņš Brezauckis points out that everything happened in accordance with the regulations that apply to this type of amusement parks. “Many may not realize that music is a daily part of an amusement park. If one day we have more invited guests, then it’s just a bonus for visitors. If a visitor buys a ticket and rests in the park all day, then music is just a supplement.” points out Brezauckis.

Namely, it was not a separate concert that requires the presentation of certificates.

Whether this is indeed the case or whether the company has made a mistake in interpreting the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers will now be clarified by law enforcement officers.

The state police confirm that the park was also visited on Sunday and an inspection has been started.

“A concert took place in the territory of the amusement park, during which epidemiological safety requirements may have been violated. In connection with the incident, an administrative violation process has been initiated and materials, including videos and photos, will be collected.”

If violations are found, then the amount of the fine imposed on the entrepreneur can reach up to 5,000 euros.

See more in the story above.

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