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“Without blood, all this will not do”

The oppositionist is sure that the pro-European part of Russian society and the West will have to come to terms with the fact that Russia after Putin will remain politically and economically diverse.

After Putin and the change of power, Russia will remain politically and economically diverse, there will be risks collapse of the country and all this will not do without blood.

About this in TG channels said the Russian opposition leader Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who lives in exile.

“We, the pro-European part of Russian society and the West, will have to come to terms with the fact that Russia after Putin will remain politically and economically diverse: on one pole there are quite European agglomerations, on the other -” elective sultanates “with their, to a greater or lesser extent, tribal relations (sometimes in the stage of transition to feudalism),” Khodorkovsky said.

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The oppositionist also reminded that they would have to seek consensus on joint issues.

“An attempt to jump over this or a similar abyss in one jump was made by many, including the Bolsheviks. The relative successes known to me, connected with the occupation (India) or the terror (Stalin) are not our case. on the strength of example,” Khodorkovsky said.

He also noted that the parliament of representatives of the regions will not allow spending money on foreign adventures.

“The main thing is that a parliament of representatives of the regions will not allow spending money on external adventures. And not because they are especially wonderful people there – just interests, as well as a source of legitimacy in the regions, other than consolidation in the face of an external (relative to Russia) enemy. The risks are huge “and fall back into authoritarianism and ruin the country. And the price is not small – without blood, I hope it won’t be enough,” Khodorkovsky said.

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