Home » today » Business » With today’s knowledge, D66 would have been better able to support a motion of no confidence

With today’s knowledge, D66 would have been better able to support a motion of no confidence

The VVD would then have been forced to choose a prime minister-worthy successor for Rutte.


If Kaag had not made such a strategic mistake in the Omtzigt debate by consciously not supporting the widely supported motion of no confidence against Rutte, then there would certainly have been more progress in the formation process. The VVD would then have been forced to choose a prime minister-worthy successor for Rutte. With perhaps the first female prime minister of the Netherlands. To give a long nose to D66, which Rutte had sent home.

Enough female candidates in the VVD ranks who would have qualified for such a position. This development would have been a blessing for the Netherlands, and would have restored some confidence in politics.

The past few months have now been completely wasted on nonsensical discussions about matters that are completely irrelevant to the national interest. Ego matters of course! Politically pissed off by the egos of all the major political parties. Without yielding any tangible result for the voters.

Tired of fighting, the protagonists go on holiday. Rutte and Kaag can think about a first step towards a coalition program between VVD and D66, which others can join after the summer.

Fortunately, the economy is doing well on paper. On paper because the hidden negative consequences of the corona crisis on our economy are not yet visible. That will come to the fore after the summer. Maybe it’s okay. Maybe not.

By refusing D66 to immediately clean up when it was possible and highly desirable for the Netherlands, precious months of substantive constructive consultation between parties in the formation process were not only lost. But the Netherlands now also knows that they will have to make do with two clearly marked ministers, Rutte and Kaag, in the coming term of office. Regardless of the further composition of the new cabinet to be formed.

A sad finding so close to the coming summer break!

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