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With these tips and natural remedies you can fight anxiety

When you face great moments of stress, work, school or a difficult moment in your life, you find yourself having to manage the anxiety of the moment. This is often difficult because it is not always possible to find a way, but there are solutions that we often do not take into consideration.

In fact, with these tips and natural remedies you can fight anxiety. There are plants and flowers with calming properties capable of helping to regain tranquility. In addition to these, there are also some physical exercises that can help in this regard.

Obviously it is right to remember that these remedies are not the panacea for anxiety, so if the problem persists it is right to consult a specialist. Having said that, however, focusing on yourself by alternating some natural infusions can certainly lead to benefits.

Research confirms the importance of green tea and chamomile

In addition to the usual lavender, there is a well-known natural remedy which is that of chamomile. This plant has sedative properties due to flavonoli which act on the receptors in the brain and have the same effects as some tranquilizers.

This is also demonstrated by research conducted by the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center in Philadelphia. The researchers, in fact, have verified how there is a relaxation of generalized anxiety symptoms in patients who have taken chamomile for 8 weeks.

After chamomile, another natural relaxing infusion is green tea which has an amino acid with calming effects called L-theanine. This is also confirmed by a study published in the Journal of Functional Foods according to which the intake of 200 mg of L-theanine can help you relax.

This study involved some university students prone to anxiety who in this way were able to keep their calm during exams better. In addition, green tea has properties that also strengthen memory.

Hops and exercise

Another natural remedy, perhaps little known, is hops. Known to be an integral part of beer, combined with chamomile or mint, it can be a valuable aid against anxiety.

Moving on to more physical remedies, it can be useful to know that exercising for 21 minutes can help fight anxiety. Physical exercisein fact, it helps the body to get rid of anxiety and relax.

Some studies have shown that it takes only 21 minutes of physical activity after which you can begin to feel the beneficial effects. Even a simple walk is enough.

To combat anxiety, it is important to breathe well

Finally, the last suggestion, especially if you are experiencing a strong state of anxiety, is the breathing that helps a lot if done in a certain way.

In fact, it is important to control breathing in the lower chest or from the abdominal area in order to give it a rhythm until it reaches relaxation.

In conclusion, with these tips and natural remedies you can fight anxiety, but it is always important to work on what determines the cause of this malaise.

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