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With these products you strengthen your immune system – top news

The winter time is also characterized by diseases such as runny nose, colds and flu infections.

Here are products and tips that strengthen your immune system.

Even small children can practice water treatments according to Kneipp.

For example, you can try treading water in a stream or in a tub in the bathtub.

For this you fill the container with cool water and let your children step in the water in the stork walk.

Parents can of course join in and thus animate the little ones.

Further tips and tricks to improve the immune system naturally with water applications can be found in “The Great Kneipp Health Book”.

In addition to exercise in the fresh air, a healthy diet with whole grains, lots of raw vegetables and fruits and enough sleep, you can additionally strengthen the immune system of children.

A lot of drinking is very important, especially in the cold season, which is characterized by dry heating air.

Without enough fluid, the mucous membranes dry out and become more susceptible to pathogens.

Children should therefore always have a water bottle filled with water or unsweetened tea with them.

Bottles made of stainless steel or glass are best suited so that no pollutants such as plastic bottles can be detached from the material.

You can also build up the immune system and prevent colds with warm elderberry juice including protective bioflavonoids or honey, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Because of the not yet fully developed intestinal flora, children should only consume honey from the age of one, otherwise there is a risk of food poisoning.

Strengthen children’s immune systems

Naturally strengthen the immune system through nutrition

Strengthen the immune system with exercise and sun

In addition to tablets, globules and bodybuilding treatments such as those from Orthomol, which support the immune system, the immune system can be strengthened in a first step with certain foods.

Many people suffer from a weakened immune system, especially after therapy with antibiotics.

Foods rich in vitamin C in particular, which can be found in fresh herbs such as nettle and parsley as well as in vegetables (red peppers, kale) and fruit, support the immune system build-up.

Fruits with the highest vitamin C content include acerola, sea buckthorn and rose hip, which can also be enjoyed in the form of juices and teas.

Only in exceptional cases can you build your immune system with tablets, such as “Cerola Vitamin C Taler”.

The immune system and especially the intestinal flora are also strengthened by probiotic foods such as yogurt, curd cheese, kefir and buttermilk.

Zinc has also been shown to strengthen the immune system and can stop colds in the early stages.

In addition to zinc tablets, this valuable trace element can also be included in the diet.

There is a lot of zinc in nuts, meat, fish and seafood, as well as legumes, oatmeal and wheat bran.

Ginger and turmeric are spices that also strengthen the immune system.

The many antioxidants have an immune-boosting effect and can either be eaten fresh in teas or dishes.

If you want to try a special drink, you should try a “turmeric latte”.

The warm milk with a spice mixture of turmeric, cardamom and cinnamon stimulates the formation of the immune cells and thus strengthens the immune system.

Fermented vegetables also stimulate the body’s defenses with lactic acid bacteria and stimulate the intestinal flora.

Many supermarkets now offer a wide range of fermented vegetables from sauerkraut to kimchi.

But if you want to know exactly what ingredients are in the jar, you should pick your own vegetables.

And that’s easy with a mason jar fermentation set from “Masontops”.

Endurance sports with a low heart rate such as running and swimming as well as a gentle workout in the form of yoga or Pilates not only strengthen the heart, circulation and blood vessels, but also have a positive effect on the psyche, digestion and immune system.

A moderate fitness workout about twice a week gently boosts the production of the immune cells and thus the immune system.

The best thing to do is exercise in the fresh air to soak up some more sun.

Because when the sun’s rays hit the skin directly, the body produces vitamin D, which is essential for an intact immune system.

Especially in the dark autumn and winter months, the sun doesn’t come out too often.

During this time, many people increasingly suffer from a vitamin D deficiency, which can be compensated for after consulting a doctor with preparations such as the “Vigantol” tablets.

Visiting an infrared sauna can also boost the production of vitamin D and drive away depressive moods, especially in winter.

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