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With these chronic illnesses you can retire without any deductions

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Some people have no choice; an illness forces them to retire earlier. (Symbolic image) © Westend61/Imago

If you have a chronic illness, you can retire earlier without any financial disadvantages. However, there are a few things to consider when it comes to chronic illnesses.

Berlin – While a new draft of the traffic light is in circulation and is supposed to guarantee a net pension of 3,500 euros, a certain aspect of pensions in Germany continues to cause discussions. Due to the shortage of skilled workers in the country, a debate has broken out about the abolition of the “pension at 63”. Early retirement is coming under significant attack and hundreds of thousands of pensioners would be affected. However, they are chronic diseaseswhich force workers to retire earlier, is excluded from the debate.

Retire earlier: Almost eight million suffer from chronic illnesses in Germany

Because not everyone is full of it Health decided to go with the highest pension instead of the lowest pension in Germany or even to take early retirement. Also, not many pensioners have the opportunity to spend their retirement years in a tranquil home under palm trees abroad to enjoy. Instead, they usually only have the option of retiring earlier if they have a chronic illness.

According to the definition, almost eight million people in Germany are considered severely disabled. They have a severely disabled ID and receive subsidies from the state. Nevertheless, despite their limitations, many of them are, according to the Federal Statistical Office from 2021, up to 57 percent integrated into the labor market and fully employable.

Retiring earlier due to chronic illnesses: Those affected are entitled to relief

However, many people are not aware that there are a variety of chronic illnesses that are recognized as disabilities and that they are able to to retire earlier, but there is a lot for those affected to know.

Among other things, people with chronic illnesses such as asthma, diabetes or rheumatism are entitled to various relief measures that can make their lives at least a little easier.

Retired earlier due to chronic illnesses: received a severely disabled certificate

Chronic illnesses can also become an obstacle to retirement. Finally, some people are so limited by their illnesses that they are unable to work the entire time until they retire. But there is at least the possibility of retiring earlier due to chronic illnesses.

The social association VdK assumes that more than a third of all people in Germany suffer from a chronic illness. However, exactly when an illness is considered “chronic” remains controversial in medicine. However, the Joint Federal Committee of health insurance companies and doctors has agreed on the following definition: Anyone who requires medical treatment for the same illness at least once a quarter is considered to be chronically ill. Anyone who has a chronic illness can apply for a severely disabled person’s card and thereby benefit from relief and support, although this does not necessarily have to be reflected in the exemption from bank fees.

Retired earlier: These chronic illnesses and illnesses are recognized

One To retire earlier, these illnesses are recognizedwhich are listed in the following list:

The following illnesses, among others, are recognized as chronic illnesses and make it possible to retire earlier:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Consequences of a stroke
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • migraine
  • Cancer diseases
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • rheumatism
  • Back pain

Retire earlier with chronic illnesses: degree of disability is decisive

The degree of disability (GdB) is also crucial in order to retire earlier without deductions due to chronic illnesses. This must be diagnosed by a doctor before an application for severe disability can be submitted. If you have a GdB of 50 or more, you are considered severely disabled and can therefore receive a severely disabled person’s ID card. The lowest GdB is 20, the highest is 100.

According to the VdK, a severe migraine that occurs every few days and has a serious impact on everyday life can have a GdB of 50. This is applied for Severely disabled ID, which can bring many advantagesafter determination by the GdB then at the pension office.

Retirement at 63: Severely disabled people retire earlier

Anyone who has already received a severely disabled person’s ID card can receive various benefits and compensation for disadvantages. Apart from tax relief and special leave, severely disabled people also have the option of retiring two years earlier after 35 years of insurance without having to accept financial deductions.

If you can live with less pension, it is even possible to retire even earlier.

Disability pension for those who can no longer work

Anyone who is no longer able to work completely or partially due to a long-term illness can receive a disability pension. Despite a chronic illness, the hurdles are very high because the disability pension replaces income. Another requirement is that you have not yet reached retirement age. Before a disability pension is approved, those affected must have completed various rehabilitation measures.

Meanwhile, many people continue to dream of retiring earlier – even if not everyone can do that without deductions. Nevertheless, it is better than never having worked for your own pension.

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