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With these 6 measures, Bremen wants to reduce the corona numbers

Due to the continued high number of infections, the Senate has agreed to further tighten the corona. The measures decided at a glance.

In view of the continued high number of corona infections, the Bremen Senate has agreed to tighten the applicable rules. In the past three days, a significantly increasing number of infections has been observed in northern Germany. “This development must be counteracted at an early stage in order to keep the stress on the health system and in particular the risk to vulnerable groups as low as possible, that must remain our goal,” said Mayor Andreas Bovenschulte (SPD). Health Senator Claudia Bernhard (Linke) reiterated this with reference to the tense situation in hospitals and the highest death toll since the beginning of the pandemic.

1 No relaxation over Christmas and New Years Eve

Contrary to previous plans, Bremen will withdraw the relaxations originally planned by the federal and state governments for Christmas and New Year’s Eve. This means that a maximum of five people from two households can still meet, excluding children under 14 years of age. “Relaxation would be counterproductive and incomprehensible in terms of other efforts to reduce contact,” said the Senate’s announcement. According to Bovenschulte, the extent to which travel over the holidays will be possible will be decided in the conference of prime ministers on Sunday.

2 Bremen supports the closure of the retail trade

Should the Prime Minister’s Conference on Sunday decide to temporarily close the retail trade, Bremen will support this. For this, however, a nationwide uniform regulation is absolutely necessary in order to avoid “shopping tourism” and economic unequal treatment of the companies. “I think it is largely clear that there will be a lockdown in retail after Christmas,” said Bovenschulte. What is required by Christmas will be discussed on Sunday at the Prime Minister’s Conference.

3 Nurses should be tested several times a week

Residents of care facilities should be given special protection. Therefore, the Senate wants to stipulate that employees in care facilities and outpatient care must be tested several times a week. In addition, “by the beginning of next year at the latest” visitors should be tested by the facilities. Overtaxing the nursing staff should be avoided, Bremen is aiming for a nationwide regulation.

4 Students are allowed to stay at home from next Wednesday

From next Wednesday, December 16, Bremen will lift the compulsory attendance in schools. Classes will continue; from December 16 to 23, the pupils will be able to participate digitally from home.

5 “Mulled wine to go” is banned

The serving of alcohol outside the home is to be banned again in Bremen. Hamburg and Lower Saxony had previously banned “mulled wine to go” and other alcoholic beverages to take away. Therefore, Bremen is returning to its original regulation and prohibiting the sale of open alcoholic beverages to take away, according to the Senate. The ban applies from Monday.

6 Gastronomy and leisure facilities remain closed

The closure of restaurants and leisure facilities will be extended until January 10th. This includes clubs, discos and similar “entertainment venues” or cultural institutions, sports, fitness and leisure facilities.

More on the subject:

This topic in the program:
buten un within, 11 December 2020, 7:30 p.m.

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