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With the third largest military expenditure… Japan “provokes” the Russian bear

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs In a statement: "it’s obvious that Tokyo It has embarked on an unprecedented path to increase its military might, including its striking ability" .

Russia has reported that such a move "It will inevitably raise new security challenges and lead to an escalation of tension in the region Asia and the Pacific Ocean".

American welcome

The White House had welcomed Japan’s new plan, believing the new defense policy would allow for it"Improve and update" Military alliance between Tokyo and Washington.

Meanwhile, observers warn that opening the door to the adoption of huge military budgets around the world will help fuel latent but flammable dossiers and issues at any moment, as in the case of the disputed Kuril Islands archipelago between Japan and Russia .

Warnings indicate that the entry of countries like Japan and Germany into the arms race club will increase areas of tension and crisis, nearly 8 decades after the end of WWII, and the two countries will distance themselves from militarization options .

Others argue that Japan has the right to reserve and strengthen its defensive and deterrent capabilities, in light of polarizations and explosive international climates, especially after the Russo-Ukrainian war, and that its new defense plan enjoys the support of its Western allies, led by the United States.

fueling conflicts

This was stated in an interview with the site by Russian researcher and international relations expert Timur Dowidar "Sky News Arabia"Russia and China have for years been concerned about American escalation and competition in East Asia, especially in the Sea of ​​Japan and South China Sea, via Washington’s allied powers Japan and South Korea, leading to destabilization of the region and fueling sensitivities, especially in traditional hotbeds of tension such as the Korean peninsula and the Kuril archipelago.

Therefore, the situation becomes more complicated with this massive increase in the Japanese military budget, especially in light of the absence of an official peace treaty between Russia and Japan since the end of the Second World War, due to the dispute over the Kuril Islands, an issue which it is aggravated with the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis.

Acceleration of Russian-Chinese rapprochement

Japan is now working to launch a new arms race in East and South Asia, which threatens Russian national security, according to observers, and Moscow will view what is happening as a blockade against it, East and West, which of course it will help accelerate the Russian-Chinese rapprochement in the face of the US-Japanese axis.

In turn, military and security expert Dr. Muhammad Saleh Al-Harbi said in an interview with the site "Sky News Arabia"Japan’s massive increase in military spending is both unprecedented and questionable, as it now ranks third in the world, ahead of countries like Russia and India. "We are therefore facing an open arms race, especially between countries that have chronic and thorny internal disputes, as in the case of the issue of the Kuril Islands and the dispute over it between Tokyo and Moscow.".

And he added that what increases the danger of the scene is that countries like Germany and Japan, after their defeat in the Second World War, have started to adopt huge military budgets again, which is an indication of the climate of conflict between the world powers and their opposition before that war, of which many fear the crisis in the relations we are witnessing, and from the Russo-Western conflict and Sino-American tension, will put the world on the threshold of the danger of a third world war".

Highlights of the Japanese plan

Kishida’s plan will double defense spending to about 2 percent of GDP in five years, and make Japan the world’s third-largest military spender after the United States and China.

The plan describes China as the greatest and most unprecedented strategic challenge, as well as portraying Russia as a source of concern for Japan’s national security, especially in light of its war with Ukraine.

New changes to defensive strategy entitle Japanese forces to roll "Counterattacks" against countries it considers hostile, under the following conditions:

– An unavoidable threat to Japan or a friendly country leading to an ultimate threat to Japan.
– There is no other way to avoid attacks that are considered hostile.
The answer should be the minimum available.

A longstanding dispute over a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean that Soviet forces seized from Japan at the end of World War II has long cast a major shadow over relations between Tokyo and Moscow.

Relations have deteriorated further since the outbreak of war in Ukraine last February and what followed with Japan joining its G7 partners in imposing sanctions against Russia.


And she said Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs In a statement: “Obviously Tokyo It has embarked on an unprecedented path of strengthening its military power, including its ability to strike.

Russia said such a move would “inevitably raise new security challenges and lead to an escalation of tension in the region”. Asia and the Pacific Ocean”.

American welcome

The White House had welcomed the new Japanese plan, saying that the new defense policy would allow for the “strengthening and modernization” of the military alliance between Tokyo and Washington.

Meanwhile, observers warn that opening the door to the adoption of huge military budgets around the world will help fuel latent but flammable dossiers and issues at any moment, as in the case of the disputed Kuril Islands archipelago between Japan and Russia .

Warnings indicate that the entry of countries like Japan and Germany into the arms race club will increase areas of tension and crisis, nearly 8 decades after the end of WWII, and the two countries will distance themselves from militarization options .

Others argue that Japan has the right to reserve and strengthen its defensive and deterrent capabilities, in light of polarizations and explosive international climates, especially after the Russo-Ukrainian war, and that its new defense plan enjoys the support of its Western allies, led by the United States.

fueling conflicts

Russian researcher and international relations expert Timur Dowidar says in an interview with “Sky News Arabia” that Russia and China have for years been concerned about the escalation and competition from Americans in East Asia, especially in the Sea of ​​Japan and the South China Sea, via Washington’s allied powers Japan and South Korea. This leads to destabilization of the region and fuels sensitivity, especially in traditional hotbeds of tension such as the Korean peninsula and the Kuril archipelago.

Therefore, the situation becomes more complicated with this massive increase in the Japanese military budget, especially in light of the absence of an official peace treaty between Russia and Japan since the end of the Second World War, due to the dispute over the Kuril Islands, an issue which is aggravated with the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis.

Acceleration of Russian-Chinese rapprochement

Japan is now working to launch a new arms race in East and South Asia, which threatens Russian national security, according to observers, and Moscow will view what is happening as a blockade against it, East and West, which of course it will help accelerate the Russian-Chinese rapprochement in the face of the US-Japanese axis.

In turn, military and security expert Dr Muhammad Saleh Al-Harbi said in an interview with ‘Sky News Arabia’ that the huge increase in military spending for Japan is unprecedented and questionable , as it now ranks third in the world, ahead of countries like Russia and India, “and so on.” We are facing an open arms race, especially between countries that have chronic and thorny disputes with each other, as is the case with the issue of the Kuril Islands and the dispute over it between Tokyo and Moscow.

And he added that what increases the danger of the scene is that countries like Germany and Japan, after their defeat in the Second World War, have started to adopt huge military budgets again, which is an indication of the climate of conflict between the world powers and their opposition before that war, that many fear the crisis in relations we are witnessing, and from a Russian-Western conflict and Sino-American tension, will put the world on the verge of danger of a third world war.

Highlights of the Japanese plan

Kishida’s plan will double defense spending to about 2% of GDP in 5 years and make Japan the third largest military spender in the world after the United States and China.

The plan describes China as the greatest and most unprecedented strategic challenge, as well as portraying Russia as a source of concern for Japanese national security, especially in light of its war with Ukraine.

The new defense strategy amendments give Japanese forces the right to launch “counterattacks” on countries they consider hostile, under the following conditions:

– An unavoidable threat to Japan or a friendly country leading to an ultimate threat to Japan.
– There is no other way to avoid attacks that are considered hostile.
The response should be the minimum available.

A longstanding dispute over a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean that Soviet forces seized from Japan at the end of World War II has long cast a major shadow over relations between Tokyo and Moscow.

Relations have deteriorated further since the outbreak of war in Ukraine last February and what followed with Japan joining its G7 partners in imposing sanctions against Russia.

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