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With the hours counted ?: political committee on standby before the imminent ministerial adjustment of Piñera

A new cabinet change is just around the corner. The approval in Congress of the constitutional reform that allows the withdrawal of 10% of the pension funds was the final thrust that generated a series of tensions in Chile Vamos and exposed all the weakness of the La Moneda political committee, led by the Minister of the Interior, Evópoli Gonzalo Blumel.

This new ministerial adjustment would take place on Tuesday. As a clear sign of the movements in the Government, at 12:30 pm all the ministers are summoned to the Palace

Yesterday, President Sebastián Piñera met with chief advisers Cristián Larroulet, and Interior Minister Gonzalo Blumel, to discuss the design of the new cabinet, a political move that is taking place amid strong official pressure.

According to ThirdThe issue has already been discussed with the ministers of the political committee, who stated that an adjustment would not solve the underlying problem until the tensions inside Chile Vamos are resolved.

However, the change is imminent and will necessarily touch the political committee, made up of Gonzalo Blumel (Interior), Karla Rubilar (Segegob), Ignacio Briones (Hacienda), Claudio Alvarado (Segpres) and Cristián Monckeberg (Social Development).

Piñera has also been in contact with leaders of Chile Vamos to discuss the issue. The President spoke with the helmsman of the National Renewal (RN), Mario Desbordes, and the UDI, Jacqueline van Rysselberghe to discuss the magnitude of the adjustment.

In the midst of this panorama of versions, the government spokeswoman, Karla Rubilar, was consulted in this regard and maintained that “the great change that we must have as a coalition is to work together and coordinated, even more so if new faces arrive.”

“The President has been quite clear to us, all the ministers are well evaluated and any change is the President’s responsibility,” he added this morning in an interview with Radio Duna.

Dance of names

This new cabinet change would be marked by the departure of Gonzalo Blumel from the Ministry of the Interior. To arrive, there would be the options of Senator RN Andrés Allamand, Mayor of Providencia Evelyn Matthei (UDI) and Senator from the same party, Juan Antonio Coloma. The latter would have indicated that he would not be willing to end his term as a senator early.

A possible arrival of Matthei to Interior is classified as historical, since she would become the first woman to direct this portfolio.

In this sense, Mario Desbordes shared in an RN chat an interview that Matthei gave in La Tercera, in which he did not close to assume a position in the Government. “Aside from not being in RN today, Evelyn would be a great contribution to the government in any capacity,” he said.

However, the names of Defense Minister Alberto Espina also sound, in addition to Cristián Monckeberg and former UDI deputy Ernesto Silva.

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