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With reasonableness of funds you will raise

December 18, 2020


Kazidomi continues fundraising as 2020 lines up the bad news. The cliché par excellence of the world of start-ups? Rather the proof of the interest of such a means of financing. A great occasion also to remind that the recipe is not a compulsory step.

More than 7 million raised in four years. If the founders of Kazidomi have one quality, it is that of knowing how to sell their project to investors. A bit too much? You don’t have to be an industry expert to come to the conclusion that four rounds of funding completed in as many years is a lot. Among all the steps to be taken to carry out such operations, one can even wonder how the bosses find the time to get their hands dirty with daily activity.

When we ask the question to certain investors, once the classic “every company is different and to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis”, we recognize that to follow the fundraising with less than 18 months of gap seems a little rhythm. too frantic. Kazidomi’s case is also already sealed. In the event of a royal planting, at the autopsy, we will certainly retain the millions burned as the cause of death. If the company goes green, we will applaud the risk taken.

The means to reach the goal

By stopping the analysis there, Kazidomi therefore sends this ugly image of the world of start-ups. The one who caricatures the environment in a bunch of entrepreneurs who have only fundraising at their tip. However, many people in the field remind startupers who dream of millions, that the roundtables are not a goal, but a means.

This is exactly what Kazidomi understood perfectly. The company is now active in e-commerce. The sector par excellence which pushes those who venture there to extend the tickets. Prefinancing inventory, managing warehouses, and marketing all cost an arm as long as Scottie Pippen’s. And the obligation to be at least a European player to survive does not help. The bosses also ensure that they have no other choice than to attract investors.

The sector is not the only one where millions must flow before they can hope to recover their seven-figure bet. For example, we advise you to take a look at what Daniel Ek, the co-founder of Spotify, has built. The world’s leading music streaming company has multiplied exercises before its IPO, but has not yet succeeded in stringing together the positive quarters. However, no one would dare to dispute the success of the king of streaming. So thank you for fundraising.

Thank you also for staying in your role. Since great stories tend to overshadow big failures, we might as well remember the basic idea of ​​this kind of funding. If fundraising is in its interest, it is done in specific cases, on certain very specific playing fields and in proportions suited to the objective set. It is therefore anything but essential in many cases. A well-made app or software that runs well can obviously be profitable without going to glean millions. It’s less flashy when it comes to shining in society on Saturday nights but just as remarkable.

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