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With old hands and fresh blood

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Von: red editors

The new HHZSV board sees the club well prepared for the new club year. © pv

Old Town (red). Around 52 members of the Hessian Haflinger Breeding and Sports Club from Altenstadt (HHZSV) recently met for the annual general meeting. At this meeting, the board of directors was largely re-elected, and club boss Peter Schreier was unanimously confirmed in office.

First, however, were the annual reports from 2021 and 2022. The clear highlight of the past year in the area of ​​sports was the Haflinger Trophy in Ronneburg in October, which was held by the club. But numerous club members who have been successful in tournament sport also recorded several victories and placements, such as Franziska Keth with “Armani 31” and “All In One” in dressage, Argentina Hofmann with “Oh La La ZGH” in driving (single horses) and Tanesha Marie James »Artus-Excalibur« and »Armageddon«, Jenny Bredrow with »AC/DC«, Joana Göring with »Apollo«, Caroline Heck with »Taiga«, »Whiskey« and »Be Happy«, Ines Beier with »Missi«, Elisa Herrgen with »Farina«, Maria König with »Ambrosius in front of the Moore« and Sarah Keil with »Amadeus«.

From a breeding point of view, the club can also look back on a successful year 2022 with the licensing of the Haflinger stallion “Neythano” by Peter Schreier in March, the licensing of the premium foal by “Maila” by Hannah Lissfeld, the awarding of the Haflinger foal “Bruni” by Friedhelm Becker and the award for the champion foal of all breeds by »Hailey« by Ute Hirsch and Enrico Dauth as well as the title premium foal. Peter Schreier emphasized the outstanding breeding achievements and appealed to the members to actively support and promote not only the larger breeding stations but also the small breeders.

Unanimous votes for board members

After a detailed report on the financial situation of the last two years by treasurer Ute Hirsch, the board of directors was unanimously discharged.

The new elections followed, in which all posts were up for election, with the exception of the second chairwoman, Michaela Wagner-Heck. All votes were unanimous, so that in addition to Schreier as chairman, Ute Hirsch will continue to work as treasurer for 15 years. Inga Bingel remains press officer. Secretary Alke Köppel is new in office after the resignation of Susanne Korol for personal reasons. There was also a change in the youth and sports director after a resignation took place there as well. So Elisa Herrgen takes over the office. She offers the club new perspectives through her own riding facility and her work as a riding instructor. Thomas Uttendorfer remains assessor for breeding. The meeting confirmed Michaela Reddig for the area of ​​events and catering and Sönke Hirchenhein for the area of ​​technology and equipment. With a mixture of old hands and fresh blood, one is therefore confident of starting a successful club year together.

Long-standing members were honored after the elections. Martina Derstroff, Michaela Wagner-Heck and Caroline Heck were honored for 15 years of membership. Ernst-Jürgen Damasky has been a member for 20 years. And Peter Hofmann, Friedhelm Becker, Waltraud Schupp and Jutta Sitte were honored for 35 years of loyalty to the club.

The first date is already scheduled for a tournament preparation course led by Elisa Herrgen and Alke Köppel at the Hofgut am Mühlbach on March 18th and 19th. After the meanwhile traditional tombola, the annual general meeting ended with a cozy get-together.

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