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With new credit rules, we seek to eliminate coyotaje: Infonavit labor sector

For the labor sector of the Institute of the National Housing Fund for Workers (Infonavit), the new credit rules of the organization intend to eliminate the bad practices that exist in the granting of financing, mainly that of coyotaje, therefore that it is intended that the beneficiary receives transparent information for their benefit, explained Mario Macías Robles, sector representative of the workers in the institution.

In an interview, Macías Robles considered that the consensus that was reached between the three sectors of the body for the reform of Infonavit, which gave way to the new credit rules, were through transparent discussions, where although there were discrepancies, they were achieved the best agreements for the good of the workers and also to preserve the financial solvency of the institute.

“It was a discussion that sought to promote the issue of access to better information without intermediaries, and when I say intermediaries I mean coyotes, because it is evident that legal intermediaries, such as notaries or public property registries, must be within the generation and formalization of credit, “said Macías Robles.

Another issue that is a priority for the Infonavit worker sector in this new stage is to highlight the quality of housing, since a constant concern of workers is that of the hidden defects within the buildings that it acquires with the agency funding.

“Part of the regulation that is made with these changes in the granting of credit and credit policies, which are two regulations that give life to the legislative reform, is the issue of the attributes and quality of housing so that the worker be aware and unconcerned that the exercise of credit is safe and do not worry that you have been cheated ”.

For Macías Robles, the discussion between the three sectors of the organization —the employers, the government and the workers— to bring out the recently approved reform was historic due to the exercise of tripartism, since before this type of modifications were agreed between the government and developers .


At the end of 2020, the Congress of the Union endorsed the reform to the Infonavit Law, in order to expand the credit possibilities of the organization and that opens the way for the beneficiaries to be able not only to acquire a home, but also a land for the construction of their home, in addition to not limiting to two, as is currently the case, the number of loans they receive from the institute.

With the reform just approved, the Board of Directors and the assembly of the organization endorsed the new credit rules of the institution and the presentation of new financing schemes derived from these regulatory changes is only expected. Macías Robles said that these changes will be stimulating for the economic reactivation of the country, as well as the mortgage market.

“These new products that are incorporated into the institute’s mortgage portfolio will be stimulating for the mortgage market, where the worker will have more options and will serve as a stimulus for the construction industry, so that builders can invest to build more homes.”

Macías Robles pointed out that, in the discussion of the elaboration of reforms, there was a sector within the organization that proposed that non-active Infonavit workers could allocate the savings they generated in the institute to consumer loans, which was rejected by the sector labor and it was agreed that these resources were for loans for housing.

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