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With music and alarm clock: tips for tidying up

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04/19/2021 5:30 AM, by Insa Sanders – Print the article Send email



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Who likes to clean up? You may find it more fun next time with a few tricks

How do you like tidying up your room? There are certainly many other things you prefer to do. Here you can find out how you can still motivate yourself to clean up.

A five year old boy in his nursery.  Tidying up is not a favorite pastime for many.  Photo: Jens Kalaene
A five year old boy in his nursery. Tidying up is not a favorite pastime for many. Photo: Jens Kalaene

The toys are on the floor, the desk is full of papers and yesterday’s clothes hang over the chair. And then there are often the parents who say: are you going to finally clean up your room !? But why should cleaning up be important at all?

Sarah Amtsberg can answer this question. She is an expert in tidying up and supports people who have problems keeping things tidy. “There are many reasons why cleaning up is good for us. We feel much better and can concentrate better, ”she says.

If it is messy around us, it is more difficult. “If the games are on the floor in your room and you are supposed to do homework, then you will not be able to concentrate so well on your homework because you always remember that you would actually rather play,” says Ms. Amtsberg. Homework is quicker in a tidy room, says the expert. Other advantages of tidying up are, for example, that you have space to play and also know exactly where which toys are. So a tidy room makes sense. But what do you do when you don’t feel like tidying up at all? Sarah Amtsberg suggests cleaning up for just ten minutes every day. You can set an alarm clock for this. “Because you can get used to tidying up, like brushing your teeth every day. Then you don’t have to keep motivating yourself. Your room stays tidy, because only the big chaos demotivates you. ”A tip: start cleaning up with the floor. If it is tidy, the room looks a lot tidier.

The expert also advises tidying up with music: “Turn on your favorite music because it puts you in a good mood.” You can also turn your tidying up into a game. For example, first clear away everything that is blue. Then there are red things, then the green ones. Or you can stop the time you need to clean up and try to be faster the next time. “If you have siblings, you can do it together,” says Ms. Amtsberg.

And maybe you can reward yourself with something after cleaning up. An episode of your favorite series or an ice cream can be a good incentive. And the tidy room is also a reward. “When you’ve tidied up, you can decorate your room better and it looks a lot nicer,” says the expert.

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