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With Médiatiks, the CM1 of Houdemont win on all fronts

“I wanted to wake up the volcano”. Thanks to Anne Pardieu, their teacher, the thirty CM1 pupils from Maurice and Katia Krafft primary school in Houdemont (Meurthe-et-Moselle) were able to declare their love for journalism. It is also written in full under the logo of the newspaper of their establishment which bears the name of the famous couple of vulcanologists: “An outpouring of ideas among the little confined houdemontais”. “We imagined a special issue without being anxiety-provoking,” claims the professor, whose class has just been awarded by the Médiatiks jury.

“The former Varenne prize, which changed its name in 2014, rewards school and high school media throughout France,” recalls Didier Guise, the academic coordinator of Clemi (Center for education and information media, reporting to the Ministry of National Education). “The health crisis we are going through has inevitably caused a reaction.”

Like our CM1 from the Nancy suburbs. “On April 7, I asked them to take up this challenge from a distance, explaining that no one could confine their ideas and their emotions. On May 5, the thirty-two pages were closed. ”

Canvas on canvas

Because one challenge may hide another, the editor has also chosen to make the front and back cover with the #GettyMuseumChallenge. Launched by the Getty Museum in Los Angeles, it consisted of reproducing, with the means at hand, famous paintings. “With an additional difficulty,” laughs the teacher in office for twenty-three years: “Include an element, such as a mask or hydroalcoholic gel, which recalls the fight against the Covid-19”.

The result is stunning (our photo). “The distance has really brought my students closer,” especially welcomes Anne Pardieu, who relied on the digital workspace for exchanges. “Many parents have written to tell me that their children are passionate about this adventure.” The sacred fire of the “Crater”.


Print or online journal

“Le Cratère” of the primary school Maurice and Katia Krafft in Houdemont (54) ; “Les Échos du Collège 2.0” from Charles-Guérin College in Lunéville (54) ; “HB News” from Hélène-Boucher high school in Thionville (57 ).


“Eco radio” from Vincent-Van-Gogh college in Blénod-lès-Pont-à-Mousson (54 ).

Photo documentary

The “3 minutes 07” of the versatile Lycée Teyssier in Bitche (57).


“The ink of the young people of the college of Baccarat (54) ; the “JD 3.0” of the Cité Scolaire Julie-Daubié in Rombas (57).

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