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“With Loredana I don’t want to do it anymore …”

Time to take stock for Al Bano. Starting from his private life, and in particular from his marriage with Loredana Lecciso. Here are his words.

Do you want to take Loredana as your bride? No thanks. Signed Al Bano. The Cellino San Marco singer and the exuberant showgirl have been together for over twenty years now, and have also given birth to two children – Jasmine and Albano Junior, aka Bido – but they have never become husband and wife. Why? Romina’s ex, tired of controversy and various background, has decided to remove a few pebbles from his shoes.

The intimate confession of Al Bano

Guest in the living room of very true from Silvia Toffanin, Al Bano assured that with the soubrette the relationship is going well, but he prefers never to return to the altar to swear eternal love, after the painful divorce from Romina Power.

“Marry again? I’ve already done it – said Al Bano -. A marriage in life is enough. The marriage was beautiful but then the divorce arrived. I don’t want to live an experience like that anymore, I didn’t like it at all. The important thing is that there is a mental marriage and thank God there is ”.

Evidently the experience of separation marked Al Bano in the depths, and the 78-year-old, mindful of that pain, absolutely wants to avoid the risk of reliving the same nightmare with Loredana Lecciso (and with the rest of the family). Moreover, the expression “mental marriage” has also been used several times by the Apulian soubrette in recent years. After so many frictions, misunderstandings and estrangements, the couple has finally managed to find a balance, and does not intend to disturb him in any way.

As for Romina, recently on Instagram she said she was tired of how the media talk about her story with Al Bano as if it were a telenovela or a soap opera. And he says he is equally intolerant of this media circus: “There are greater sufferings. If they want it like this, let them do it like this. Anyway, social networks will not change my life. Every day I hear filth … “. The secret? Don’t care, look and move on, paraphrasing the Supreme Poet. And they lived happily ever after…

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