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With Laura Anna Before She Died, Can Spinal Cord Injury Be Healed?


Celebrity Laura Anna passed away, Wednesday (15/12/2021). Before she died, Laura was battling a spinal cord injury that left her paralyzed. He was injured in a car accident in December 2019, driven by his ex-girlfriend, Gaga Muhammad.

Spinal cord injury or spinal cord injury is damage to the spinal cord or the nerve endings of the spinal canal (cauda equina). This condition often causes permanent damage to strength, sensation, and other bodily functions below the site of the injury.

Quoted from the Medical News Today page, the American Association of Neurological Surgeons predicts about 17,000 spinal cord injuries occur each year in the United States. About half of these injuries occur in people aged 16-30 years, the majority occur in men.

Can a person recover from a spinal cord injury?

The recovery process for a spinal cord injury depends on the severity of the injury. People with incomplete spinal cord injuries have a better chance of recovery. In this condition, the injury damages part of the spinal cord, but signals from the brain can still get to the rest of the body.

In more severe total injuries, all nerve signals are blocked traveling through the spinal cord.

Many people with spinal cord injuries experience loss of body function or paralysis. People with incomplete injuries will often regain some function. However, complete recovery is rare.

The World Health Organization (WHO) notes that the risk of death from spinal cord injury is highest in the first year after injury. During this time, people with spinal cord injuries are two to five times more likely to die than people without injuries.

Many scientists are optimistic that future research advances will allow spinal cord injuries to be cured. Now research studies are underway in a number of countries. In addition, treatment and rehabilitation enable many people with spinal cord injuries to continue to lead productive lives.

Watch Videos “dr. Tirta Calls Laura Anna’s Struggle to Face Severe Spinal Cord Injury
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