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with his data he took out loans

A judicial employee in Mendoza was denounced for defrauding about 30 people, from whom she had robbed data personal from a supposed survey, to request personal credits. What is striking about the case is that most of the victims were his classmates of work, who, upon realizing it, escrachaado on social networks.

When the news was known, the woman, who was identified as Noralí Hornz, surrendered to the Justice and was detained. He is accused of repeated fraud and falsification of public and private instruments.

According to local media, Hornz works in the Office of Gender Violence of the Mendoza courts in San Martín, 50 kilometers from the city of Mendoza. In this sense, her colleagues reported that with the excuse of including them in a survey, the alleged scammer asked them for their personal data and a copy of their identity documents.


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With those elements, he took out personal loans in his favor. The amounts were between 100,000 and 800,000 pesos. According to calculations, in total he had acquired a total sum of more than 6 million pesos.

“I am conducting a survey with lawyers and attorneys about a thesis that I am putting together. There are three questions. If you want, I will answer them, but I need to prove that the respondent exists and that I did not invent him, “the defendant proposed in WhatsApp messages to her office colleagues.

The maneuver was exposed when one of those people tried to take out a personal loan at Banco Nación. At that moment, she discovered that she had two loans in her names from different financial companies that she had not managed.

“We are already 20 people who have been affected, but we have the suspicions that there are many more,” said one of the victims on social networks. To make matters worse, the first prosecutor to receive the case had to hold back from investigating it because she discovered that several of her own employees had fallen for the scam.

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