The hilarious comedy “SOS Mamis” began its tour across the country with overwhelming success. Its first performances have brought together thousands of people who have enjoyed this group of friends, who with a great sense of humor refer to motherhood, parenting and friendship.
The work, directed by Alexis Moreno, shows the new adventures of these four mothers, who with their intense, complex and, above all, fun personalities, arrive at a dream place to completely disconnect. However, they never thought that this long-awaited opportunity to relieve stress would turn into the opposite, with episodes that test their friendship and patience, but always with hilarious moments that the public enjoys to the fullest.
In this way, with a unique audience setting, the actresses in their roles as Luna, Clarita, Trini and Milagros brought laughter to the mostly female audience who, together with groups of friends, came to the place to enjoy a moment of relaxation and catharsis with the friends who were looking for the experience of distancing themselves from technology on a retreat.
#hilarious #moments #SOS #Mamis #captivated #Rancagua #audience