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With foot days, we “sow” good health

Thibault Rouchon is a podiatrist pedicurist in the diabetes network and in liberal practice. With his two sisters, he founded an association that works to promote foot health, and a profession that Mayotte needs more and more. As part of National Foot Week, the trio has been hosting two prevention days since Friday in Mamoudzou at the premises of the diabetes network, opposite the CHM.

JDM: Thibault Rouchon, the foot days, it’s over two days, what is it about?

“In mainland France it’s a national week. Here we decline it over two days. Until last year, I did it alone and only with diabetic patients. This year, as we created the association, we thought it would be good to open it up to the general public. The goal is really to make people discover the profession, to answer questions so that people can show their feet and that we can do mini diagnoses and raise awareness and redirect as needed. Then there is a screening part for diabetic patients.”

We are talking about diabetes, what are the foot problems in Mayotte?

United in association, the three podiatrists participate in these foot days, marked by high diabetes in Mayotte

“You don’t necessarily think about it, but foot problems can be impressive. What people know is amputation, but before that there are complications that can be detected. The first of these is neuropathy, in diabetic patients, it is a loss of sensation in the foot. The second complication is wounds that will not necessarily close easily, so we can imagine the combo: the patient walks, hurts himself, does not realize it and therefore does not know that he is injured. So the risk is that behind it gets infected and it becomes more and more serious.

How many people are affected?

“There are at least 12% of diabetic patients. Through my screening, I was able to see that among them at least half of diabetic patients present at least one complication in the feet. Very often a loss of sensitivity, it shows that it is something very important in Mayotte, especially since there are few podiatrists, people often walk barefoot or in open shoes, so the risk is increased .”

Are there other foot problems other than diabetes?

Thibault Rouchon, podiatrist pedicure, explains the pathologies that pass through the feet

“The other main concern is obesity, with heel pain, especially heel spurs which are often important in Mayotte, and all that is general pathologies. Especially in children, we have children who have their feet inside, the interest of the podiatrist is that he will be able to offer insoles which will open the angle of step. Then there are the athletes. Then there is the pedicure aspect: ingrown nails, emergency care that can be done, and regular care. The pedicure-podiatrist therefore has two professions in one: care, such as ingrown toenails or corns under the foot, is not aesthetics but care. Indeed this horn can exert a hyperpressure at this place there which can create a wound likely to become infected. That’s for the pedicure component, then there’s podiatry, with orthopedic insoles, orthoplasties, etc. in direct contact with the medical profession.”

How do you become a pedicure-podiatrist?

“It’s a competition, then you go to a school, there are ten in France, then the studies last three years and you have a state diploma issued by the Ministry of Health.”

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