different strategic placesof new york city.they have allowed finingto drivers.the big apple is not onlyrecognized as the city thatnever sleeps.>> that excess noise.reporter: he who has lived formore than 20 years in washingtonJai says that calf knows forthe scandal they causesome vehicles.>> the rain is such a waythat one wakes up in a bad mood.unintentionally, but wantingyou can’t rest many timestimes.reporter: Miguel refersespecially noise,loud and musical motorcyclesalta.>> we have had manycomplaints from residents of allthe neighborhoods of the city ofNY.reporter: for that reasonpassed the law to stop thenoise propagation.>> yesterday the council stopped thisattention so that the cityhave five chambers in eachcounty so that peopleThey are not doing this kind ofnoise.reporter: these cameras takea photo of the cameravehicle that has accessed thepermitted noise limits andwill send a fine by mail.according to records at the end of thelast month 218 were imposedfines for silencersmodified and 147 for musicThe cost ranges from $800 to2500 $.in the modified ones they couldas long as they verify thatThey have fixed it properly.>> if they achieve that it’s a pain.I mean, it’s a great advance,But let’s see how they do it.reporter: this has formedpart of a pilot plan and onlythe signature of theaccording to the authorities the planis to have more cameras installedfor this 2025.
2023-12-08 04:55:00
#cameras #detect #excess #noise #York #authorities #fine #exceed #limits