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With calls for negotiations escalating… What are the conditions for Russia and Ukraine to end the war?

eternal Russian President Vladimir PutinIn an interview with a state television station, he expressed his readiness to negotiate, after which Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov confirmed that "The time has come to negotiate, whether we like it or not".

Instead, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister spoke Dmytro Kulebafor his country’s intention to hold "Peace Summit" In February, with the aim of ending the continuous Russian attacks on his country, emphasizing that every war ends diplomatically, and that all wars end with measures taken on the battlefield and at the negotiating table..

With the start of the war, 3 rounds of negotiations took place in Belarus and a hypothetical fourth, while a fifth round of negotiations took place in Istanbul, in order to reach common points on controversial issues, all of which failed..

Terms of Russia

  • The Russian foreign minister spoke about the conditions his country deems necessary for peace, stressing that Ukraine must surrender, otherwise the war will continue, according to the state news agency. "Nut".
  • Lavrov renewed his country’s thesis that one of the fundamental reasons for its war is to counter the spread of the virus Neo-Nazism In Ukraine, by calling "The need for disarmament and denazification".
  • He stressed that Russia’s main condition for establishing peace is maintaining control over 4 regions of eastern and southern Ukraine, which are Kherson, Zaporizhia, Donetsk and Lugansk, which Moscow annexed last September, as well as Crimea..
  • According to a magazine "Newsweek" One of the main conditions is also American Amendment of the constitution of Ukrainewhich provides for the renunciation of joining any military bloc, with reference to NATO and the return to the policy of neutrality.

Ukraine asks

  • As I speak with the agency "Associated press" On the possibility of holding a peace summit, the Ukrainian foreign minister suggested that the secretary general of the United Nations, António Guterres, mediate the procedures relating to its convening..
  • Kuleba, in order to invite Russia to participate in the summit, established that it would be subjected to trial for what he defined"war crimes" that he allegedly committed in his own country, before an international tribunal, which makes Moscow’s participation impossible.
  • As a prerequisite for peace, the Ukrainian president has called on his Russian counterpart to withdraw troops from Ukraine, stressing that peace will begin when Putin withdraws his forces from Ukraine..
  • He also called on the Ukrainian president to provide security guarantees for his country as a condition of peace and the need for concerted international efforts to prevent Moscow from launching armed aggression against his country in the future..

No diplomatic solution soon

As for Russian conditions and Ukrainian demands, political analyst Leon Radciosini told the site "Sky News Arabia"It shows that a diplomatic solution, at least for the time being, is unlikely. Kiev It is unwilling to compromise its core security and sovereign rights concerns or give up its territory, while Russia insists on keeping the territories under its control..

He made it clear that Zelensky’s demands and his emphasis on the need to restore his country’s territorial integrity would be the biggest sticking point in any negotiations, but he believed Russia would raise the ceiling on demands until it gets its way. most important demand, which is an official recognition of the annexation of Crimea, since all areas annexed by it are not under its control, indeed its forces are facing difficult crises, as Putin himself admits, as well as failures.

He stressed that international or Western mediation, which can be represented in France, with which he still maintains some diplomatic contacts The KremlinIt could request a return before February 24, and it could join an American-European recognition of the annexation of Crimea, which they could agree to in order to end the war and get rid of its consequences..

He stressed that all this depends on the extent of Russia’s seriousness in its call for negotiations, and not on political and tactical maneuvering with the aim of blaming the West for the reasons for fueling the war and gaining domestic sympathy..


eternal Russian President Vladimir PutinIn an interview on state television, he expressed his readiness to negotiate, after which Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov confirmed that “the time has come for negotiations, whether we like it or not.”“.

Instead, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister spoke Dmytro KulebaOn his country’s intention to hold a “peace summit” in February with the aim of ending continued Russian attacks on his country, stressing that every war ends diplomatically, and that all wars end with measures taken on the battlefield and at the negotiating table..

With the start of the war, 3 rounds of negotiations took place in Belarus and a hypothetical fourth, while a fifth round of negotiations took place in Istanbul, in order to reach common points on controversial issues, all of which failed..

Terms of Russia

  • The Russian foreign minister spoke about the conditions his country deems necessary for peace, stressing that Ukraine must surrender, otherwise the war will continue, according to the state news agency “TASS”.“.
  • Lavrov renewed his country’s thesis that one of the fundamental reasons for its war is to counter the spread of the virus Neo-Nazism In Ukraine, calling for “the need for demilitarization and denazification“.
  • He stressed that Russia’s main condition for establishing peace is maintaining control over 4 regions of eastern and southern Ukraine, which are Kherson, Zaporizhia, Donetsk and Lugansk, which Moscow annexed last September, as well as Crimea..
  • According to the American magazine “Newsweek”, one of the main conditions is also Amendment of the constitution of Ukrainewhich provides for the renunciation of joining any military bloc, with reference to NATO and the return to the policy of neutrality.

Ukraine asks

  • Speaking to the Associated Press about a possible peace summit, Ukraine’s foreign minister suggested that UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres mediate the proceedings..
  • In order to invite Russia to participate in the summit, Kuleba ordered that it be tried for what he described as “war crimes” it allegedly committed in its country, in an international tribunal, which makes it impossible for Moscow to participate..
  • As a prerequisite for peace, the Ukrainian president has called on his Russian counterpart to withdraw troops from Ukraine, stressing that peace will begin when Putin withdraws his forces from Ukraine..
  • He also called on the Ukrainian president to provide security guarantees for his country as a condition of peace and the need for concerted international efforts to prevent Moscow from launching armed aggression against his country in the future..

No diplomatic solution soon

As for the Russian conditions and the Ukrainian demands, political analyst Leon Radciosini told Sky News Arabia they show a diplomatic solution, at least for now, is unlikely. Kiev It is unwilling to compromise its core security and sovereign rights concerns or give up its territory, while Russia insists on keeping the territories under its control..

He made it clear that Zelensky’s demands and his emphasis on the need to restore his country’s territorial integrity would be the biggest sticking point in any negotiations, but he believed Russia would raise the ceiling on demands until it gets its way. most important demand, which is an official recognition of the annexation of Crimea, since all areas annexed by it are not under its control, indeed its forces are facing difficult crises, as Putin himself admits, as well as failures.

He stressed that international or Western mediation, which can be represented in France, with which he still maintains some diplomatic contacts The KremlinIt could request a return before February 24, and it could join an American-European recognition of the annexation of Crimea, which they could agree to in order to end the war and get rid of its consequences..

He stressed that all this depends on the extent of Russia’s seriousness in its call for negotiations, and not on political and tactical maneuvering with the aim of blaming the West for the reasons for fueling the war and gaining domestic sympathy..

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