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With cacerolazos and barricades protesters demand approval of the withdrawal of 10% of pensions | National

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Various manifestations were recorded on Tuesday night throughout the country, especially “Casseroles”, after a call by social networks regarding the vote of the 10% withdrawal of pension funds.

According to the report of auditors of Radio Bío Bío, the demonstrations began at around 9:00 p.m. in different communes of the Metropolitan region, Valparaíso, Bío Bío, Tarapacá and O’Higgins.

According to witnesses, the idea is to demand the approval of the bill that will vote in the Chamber of Deputies, that allows the withdrawal of 10% of the pension funds, as an exceptional measure to face the economic crisis derived from the pandemic.

The Coordinator No + AFP made a call on social networks to demonstrate through saucepans.

Because there are quarantines in some cities, the cacerolazos were carried out from inside buildings and houses, as recorded in the videos sent to BioBioChile.

However, in the same way after 22:00 hours -and despite the curfew- they demonstrated lighting barricades on the road, such as Recoleta Avenue and Plaza Yungay.

Even in Zapadores with Juan Cristóbal, strangers set fire to a Transantiago machine. No injuries have been reported as a result of this incident.

In addition, auditors reported shooting at some points, as well as fireworks.

Demonstrations in Valparaíso

While for the second consecutive day, there have been disorders, barricades and confrontations on Avenida Francia, in the center of Valparaíso.

In that place, a group of unknown persons confronted the Carabineros Special Forces personnel, who arrived at the place because crowds are prohibited for sanitary reasons.

In Viña del Mar, for its part, there were reports of casseroles in different parts of the garden city. A similar situation was experienced in San Felipe.

Check out some videos of the demonstrations below:

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