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With an angel full of hope into the new year

LINDENFELS – (red). Since the current situation of the corona pandemic does not allow attendance at church services in the Protestant church in Lindenfels, the Protestant church community has started a year-end service, which is now available on the community’s YouTube channel “Lindenfelser Lichtblick”. The focus of the online service with Pastor Jutta Grimm-Helbig is a drawing by the painter Paul Klee with the title “Angel full of hope” from 1939. In a time full of suffering and horror, Klee draws a picture of an angel that radiates hope. The angel sees all the terrible things that people do to other people, but his gaze does not stop there. He looks further – to the world as God intended it to be; a world in which violence and injustice have no place. Even today, at a time when a virus threatens life, this angel is a good companion who encourages people not to give up hope, but to have patience and staying power and to be there for one another, trusting in God’s company According to the message. The service will be musically designed by Andreas Demmel (piano), who also edited, and Birgit Ruoff (vocals). The camera work and the recording were the responsibility of Hannah Helbig.

Also on the YouTube channel “Lindenfelser Lichtblick”, the members of the church council send personal thoughts and greetings to the evangelical community for the new year.

In its most recent meeting, the church council of the Protestant parish in Lindenfels decided not to offer any attendance services up to and including January 10th for reasons of infection protection.

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