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With a possible increase in area, some recommendations for planting barley

This week during “To All Wheat 2022” The estimates of the final campaign for wheat and barley issued by the Buenos Aires Cereals Exchange will be known.

Technicians specialized in malting barley, Fidel Cortese and Mario Cattaneo, anticipate that, from the latest data for the next campaign, a growth of the planted area of ​​between 10 and 20 percent is expected compared to the previous year. This would bring the area to an estimated 1.3 to 1.4 million hectares.

Likewise, in the face of any possibility or estimation, crop specialists ponder the importance of a good sowing.


  • herbicides: Evaluate the remaining residuality in the batch of some after a dry summer, in particular diclosulam, imazethapyr, clearsol and fomesafen, can produce phytotoxicity in some serious cases. There are biostimulants for seed and cultivation that help the plant in the detoxification of these active ingredients.
  • Seed: Select a seed with good values ​​of power and germinative energy and health. The fungal load of the seed should be known in order to carry out a professional treatment of it. Make an evaluation of the pathogenic load of each lot of seed.
  • varieties: Choose the optimal planting dates for each cultivar.
  • Nutrition: With the current increase in fertilizers, it is advisable to do soil tests to balance nutrition.
  • Weeds: Ensure the control of the most complicated weeds, such as ryegrass, black branch and various cruciferae of the turnip family. Always remember the rotation of modes of action.

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