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With a pension of up to 20,000 euros, the maneuver introduces facilitation

For those over 70 with a pension of up to 20,000 euros per year, the financial maneuver for 2022 introduces a new concession. That is, the possibility of receiving the decoder directly at home for viewing television channels with the signal of the new digital terrestrial.

With a pension of up to 20,000 euros per year, in fact, the Poste Italiane Group will directly deliver the decoder to the over 70 without that, consequently, the less well-off pensioners will have to worry about going to buy it.

With a pension of up to 20,000 euros per year, the 2022 maneuver introduces a new concession

The financial maneuver for 2022 introduces a new facility, with a pension of up to 20,000 euros per year, after that for the new year the TV bonus has been refinanced. Less well-off pensioners will be informed by the Poste Italiane Group with a letter.

Regarding the possibility of receiving a decoder at home, with a value not exceeding 30 euros. in view of the switch-off. In this regard, those over 70 with a pension of up to 20,000 euros per year will not only be able to agree on the day of delivery of the decoder. But also get free telephone assistance for installation.

The 2022 maneuver introduces a new concession to the TV bonus for over 70s

The one in favor of the over 70s on the TV bonus, with a pension of up to 20,000 euros per year, is an initiative resulting from an agreement between the Poste Italiane Group and the MiSE. That is, with the Ministry of Economic Development. In this way, for the delivery of the decoders, it will be possible to leverage the almost 13,000 post offices that are scattered throughout the national territory.

Moreover, it is not the first time that the Poste Italiane Group, in this period of pandemic, takes the field in favor of the most needy people.

Just think, before this initiative on the TV bonus for over 70s with a pension of up to 20,000 euros per year, at the home delivery of the pension to over 75s delegating i Carabinieri. As reported in this article.-

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