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Wirtualna Polska – Everything important

In Zimbabwe, it ends up with three-digit inflation. Its level dropped below 100% for the first time in July. The reasons for satisfaction remain low. The price increase is … 56 percent.

Hyperinflation occurred in Zimbabwe in 2007. It was so great then that the government of this country stopped giving data on price increases.

Various measures have been taken to limit it. For example, in 2009, it stopped printing its own currency and replaced it with currencies from other countries. Then he announced that he would abandon it altogether and use the US dollar as the national currency instead.

Record inflation. Poland with almost the highest price increase in the European Union

However, such methods did not bring much success. That is why two years ago the authorities of this African country decided to restore their own currency.

But the effect was counterproductive: in mid-2019, inflation was estimated at 175% there. annually.

In March 2020, it increased to 500%, and a year ago it exceeded the level of 700%. These are data from independent experts’ estimates, as official government statements mentioned much lower increases.

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