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Wirtualna Polska – Everything important

Kasia Glinka added an entry on her Instagram profile, which many people who build or finish the interior of houses or apartments will certainly identify with. It was about prices that overwhelm not only ordinary people, but even celebrities.

Katie The clay is finishing the house , so she is looking for materials that will be good quality and inexpensive enough not to finish her budget. It turns out that it is not easy even for the star of the series. “A topic I HAVE TO MOVE, because it normally spreads me. Well, it turns out that I am a classic representative of CELEBRITY, who sleeps on money – he earns nothing in Hollywood, his house handles are too gold, he generally doesn’t work and EVERYTHING falls out of the sky for him.” she began irritated Glinka .

“Of course, he has no idea how much what costs what, so any valuation made by a company that catches such a delinquent has the so-called GOLDEN HARVEST. … y !!!! ” – continued Glinka on her Instagram profile.

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