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Wirtualna Polska – Everything important

The storm around the Law and Justice Act on the impunity of officials continues. Their actions are to be justified by the fight against the coronavirus. The proposed regulations also come as a surprise in the United Right camp. Solidarity Poland is not to support the changes in the law.

On Friday at the meeting Sejm the finance committee will hold the first reading of the draft abolishing the responsibility of officials for actions during the epidemic. The bill was submitted on Wednesday by 47 members of the United Right.

“It is not committing a crime, who in order to counteract Covid-19 violates official duties or applicable regulations, if he acts in the public interest, and without this violation, the action taken would not be possible or would be difficult” – these are the proposed regulations.

Act on the impunity of officials. Solidarity Poland is against

The act is controversial not only among the opposition. – I learned about the draft amendment from you, and the amendment itself raises serious doubts. Criminal law must protect the interests of the state and citizens – said Janusz Kowalski from Solidarity Poland in an interview with Rzeczpospolita. RMF FM, in turn, informed that some of the MPs from PiS “had no idea what they signed up to and what serious consequences this law could have.”

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