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Wirtualna Polska – Everything important

Joanna Brodzik has been present on screens for over 20 years. She successfully acted in films and series, where viewers could observe her numerous metamorphoses. Do you remember Paddling in “With Fire and Sword”, “Kasia and Tomek” or in “Magda M.”? See for yourself how it has changed over the years.

In the 90s it was one of the most attractive and at the same time liked Polish actresses. But in childhood, nothing foreshadowed this. In an interview with “Pani” she mentioned that due to the dark mustache and the short haircut, everyone thought he was a boy.

– Until suddenly, because within a year, I turned into someone who looked like my friends’ teacher. I was a head taller than them, and my freshly grown breasts were at the level of their eyes – she said years later.

In 1996, she graduated from the PWST in Warsaw and began to appear in front of the camera. She attracted attention with her beauty, but also with a frequent change of image. In her feature debut, “Big Fish Day”, she had a stylized hairstyle, in “Fire and sword” she performed with long black braids, and by the role in “Kasia and Tomek” she became a short-haired, dark blonde.

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