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Wirtualna Polska – Everything important

The Polish economy and public finances are in a very good condition – emphasized Minister of Finance Tadeusz Kościński. As he adds, the actions of the Polish government during the crisis have been appreciated by rating agencies.

– Despite the turbulences that the whole world, Europe and Poland are going through, the recession last year, what we have done is appreciated by rating agencies – Kościński said during the Industry Next congress in Poznań.

Also read: Polish order. Minister Kościński: Nobody will lose from tax changes

In his opinion, one of the best criteria of the current economic situation is, among others, the unemployment rate in the country and the ratings of international rating agencies.

Let us recall that on Friday evening Fitch confirmed Poland’s long-term foreign currency rating at “A-” with a stable outlook. At the same time, the agency raised Poland’s GDP growth forecast for 2021 to 5.2 percent. from 4.4%, to 4.5% in 2022, and to 3.8% in 2023.

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