Home » today » World » Wiretapping: The Unanswered Questions – THE STEP – 2024-08-03 11:11:32

Wiretapping: The Unanswered Questions – THE STEP – 2024-08-03 11:11:32

The meeting of the Parliament’s Institutions and Transparency Committee on wiretapping lasted three hours after the requests submitted by five opposition parties, with the president Thanasi Bura to complete the process step by step by announcing the rejection of the proposals with the votes of the ND and to wish the MPs a good summer. But questions were once again left unanswered.

According to BIMAtodoti, the following phrase from the public prosecutor’s announcement was often targeted by opposition MPs: “It is indisputably inferred that there was absolutely no involvement… of any government official.” “If that is the case why did the Prime Minister apologize to Mr. Androulakis“, “because they resigned Dimitriadis and Kontoleon»were some of the questions that the opposition forcefully asked without getting any answers.

As BIMAtototis reports, the questions were also emphatic about the “legitimate” surveillance of ministers, political opponents and even the head of the armed forces: “If Mr. DendiasMr. Hatzidakiseven Mr. Oriole was legally monitored by the EYP, shouldn’t we know the reasons?”was a question repeated by MPs from all opposition parties. “And why are they still ministers when they were legitimately monitored for national security reasons?” was the next question.

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