Home » today » World » Wiretapping: Between “cover-up” and “unconstitutionality” – What was said in Parliament – 2024-08-08 04:40:06

Wiretapping: Between “cover-up” and “unconstitutionality” – What was said in Parliament – 2024-08-08 04:40:06

The rejection of the opposition’s requests to summon the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court Georgia Adelini, the Deputy Prosecutor Achilleas Zisis to the Institutions and Transparency Committee of the Parliament, as well as to forward the case file and the conclusion of archiving the much-lauded surveillance case was expected and prescribed.

The statements of government representative Pavlos Marinakis left no room for the opposite. In the context of the political management of the minority initiative, Megaro Maximos approved the convening of the Commission in order to “close” the issue there despite the expected reactions.

Thus, in the midst of fierce counter-complaints between the president of Plefsis Eleftherias Zois Konstantopoulos and the chairman Thanasis Bouras and the “blue” MPs, the stormy three-hour meeting ended with the rejection (by 14-13) of the demands of the opposition, which denounced a methodical attempt of cover-up, counter-arguing that the Commission is incompetent to review judicial decisions and control the judiciary in violation of the principle of separation of powers.


From the SW o Thanos Pleuris he emphasized that calling the Prosecutor to explain the finding is contrary to the Constitution and the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament, which provides for the possibility of calling only for the functions of the institutions and not for the control of judicial decisions and judgments.

As he said «it is provocative not to realize that with your request the Parliament for the first time is going to put itself above the judicial power”, while adding that only those who are parties have access to the file. “I imagine that Androulakis and anyone with a legitimate interest will take him,” he said.

From SYRIZA, Theodora Tzakri referred to the 2017 summons of Prosecutor Georgia Tsatani, while underlining that “the summons of the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court “does not impinge on the separation of powers and does not lead to the alteration of judicial judgment”, arguing that the filing of the case does not it constitutes a judicial decision, but a temporary judgment that can be revoked and in any case “we do not control the prosecutor’s judgment, but we ask to be informed about its content”.

“It’s not irreversible”

His position Panagiotis Doudonis from PaSoK was that the filing act is not an irrevocable court decision. “We will not judge on the finding but we want to take cognizance as a competent body” he said stressing that the issue concerns the core of the prestige of the judiciary which is suffering a significant blow.

Also the Nikos Karathanasopoulos from the KKE denounced fast track procedures and “an attempt to complete the cover-up”.

From the New Left Anagnostopoulou Co he noted that the prosecutor’s conclusion is reminiscent of the conclusion after the Lambrakis murder that “no government involvement was discovered”.

Finally, Mrs. Konstantopoulou denounced the majority for a clear attempt to fortify herself behind non-existent and baseless legal arguments in order to protect herself, while she launched a fierce attack on Mrs. Adeilinis for whom she said that she must come and give explanations, noting that the intervention of the Arion Prosecutor’s Office Ice was made to cover the government.

#Wiretapping #coverup #unconstitutionality #Parliament

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