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Winter Spirits! Michiel Lieuwma and Spartacus II

Sorry for the third person in the headline, it couldn’t be any other way

Sometimes you have one nice date in the summer, you never hear anything again, but two seasons later you are suddenly invited for a second date. Then say no! This time neatly an hour and a half instead of three hours, with just the usual pub talk. Is nihilism without bitterness really nihilism? The performative and perverse dimensions of charity. How annoying ‘movements’ are and how impoverishing togetherness works in a bipolar climate of opinion where views-à-la-carte disappear. About how it conceptually marinated after two years Perennial philosophy it was only very recently through a 9-year-old movie by Rupert Spira that the person and all the ‘pain of personship’ is experienced not by the person himself, but by consciousness. How that – after therapy, targeted courses, microdosing psilocybin and countless other approach routes had virtually no effect – finally freed me from a very disruptive psychological defect.

And in line with that, also briefly about the proprietary three-stage therapeutic framework that I developed over the past two years and the online therapy practice that I recently opened. If that interests you even remotely, then see the website or the thread below. Anyway, GeenStijl now has a home therapist. Get it explained.

More wonderful episodes of Michiel with Herman Brusselmans and Martin Koolhoven, after the break!

Thread about the therapeutic three-stage framework


The fragment in question by Rupert Spira

Michiel and Herman Brusselmans

Michiel and Martin Koolhoven

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