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Winter holidays without COVID-19! “If we follow all the necessary rules”

We could enjoy the winter holidays without restrictions, and the gift month could be free of the tension caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is only if different measures are observed that limit the spread of the virus in the community.

The situation we are in was also analyzed by doctor Virgil Musta from the “Victor Babeș” Hospital in Timișoara. Even though more than 15,000 cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection are reported daily, we may see the light at the end of the tunnel sooner than we expect. It all depends on the actions of each citizen.

“In order to overcome this wave, we must respect two essential directions. The first direction, because we no longer have time to make so many vaccines to keep the pandemic under control, is to stop the contamination. These are measures that we must take individually. If some believe that even if they get the disease they do not have severe forms, they should know that they transmit the virus to relatives and we have had such cases where family members of these people have contracted severe forms of the disease and even died. I believe that there must be social peace in difficult times. We are at war and this turmoil must disappear. Therefore, you must avoid crowded areas, closed rooms, if you really need to frequent them, to be able to mask correctly, any contact with another person must be made with a mask. Let’s not forget the hygiene measures, washing our hands, and when we get home let’s try to change, especially if we have contaminated clothes. In addition to these measures, which are crucial for controlling the pandemic and which are individual, there are also collective ones. Those given by state institutions. They can be the most severe restrictions if the person is not willing to respect them. This is about public health policies. If there are no institutions to monitor their compliance, you are imposing them in vain. But they are also important “, said Virgil Musta.

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Vaccination is also important because the fourth wave will not be prolonged, and the occurrence of a similar situation in the near future will be unlikely.

“The most important way we wouldn’t have gotten here is vaccination. We saw that the world got scared and the number of people getting vaccinated started to increase. Vaccination does not solve the current pandemic, but solves a future wave, resolves that this wave will not last until the winter holidays. If the world were responsible and understood that it had to comply with the measures and get vaccinated, we could have normal holidays. I think we need to regroup and become responsible. We are the country with the highest mortality in Europe, again we stand out negatively. The whole of Europe is targeting us because, due to the multiplication of the virus in large quantities, we risk the appearance of a new virus that will cause problems for Europe again. For this reason, the World Health Organization is also visiting our country in the coming days. We must stand in solidarity with those who cannot be vaccinated, with those who have risk factors and who can die. We cannot be indifferent. We must follow all the necessary rules, wear a mask, visit as few places as possible where we could become infected, practically stop the virus from being transmitted from one person to another and then we will have holidays and happy and blessed ”, said Virgil Musta.

We are currently working on continuous fire at the “Victor Babeș” Hospital in Timișoara, the places in the Infectious Diseases Department, but also those in ATI being occupied.

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