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Winter chaos in Hessen: danger from snow load – warning of excursions

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  • Martin chest

  • Claudia Kabel

    Claudia Kabel

The onset of winter in the low mountain ranges in Hesse also poses a risk. The authorities strongly advise against excursions.

  • The Onset of winter in the mountains brings the municipalities in the Taunus a rush of winter excursionists.
  • The streets in the area of ​​the Feldbergs will be closed.
  • Even at higher altitudes in the Odenwald, in the Rhön and in Vogelsberg Lots going on.

Update from Wednesday, January 6th, 2021, 3:11 p.m .: There is also danger in the Hochtaunuskreis due to the strong Snowfall, as reported by the Frankfurter Neue Presse *. Since many trees cannot bear the load, several of them have already overturned. The authorities therefore appeal to potential visitors to refrain from traveling to the Taunus and especially to the Großer Feldberg.

The road closures on the L3025 from Eselheck, the L3276 between Sandplacken and Oberreifenberg and the L3004 between Oberursel and Sandplacken to Schmitten have not yet been lifted. The streets should remain closed until at least next Friday (January 8th, 2021).

Traffic chaos due to snowfall in Hesse

First report from Monday, January 4th, 2021, 10:01 a.m .: The Traffic chaos of the past few days in the higher places in the Taunus more than ever excites the minds of the suffering residents. The local authorities held a long discussion yesterday, Monday, on how relief can be created. In the evening, the Hochtaunuskreis declared that the existing Road closures until “initially” next Friday. Bus traffic also remains restricted; line 57 (Feldberg line) is completely closed.

“The extreme weather conditions in Feldberg area with a snow break, ice fall and fallen trees, “the road traffic authorities have caused it, they say. The L 3025 from Eselsheck junction to the B 8, the L 3276 between Sandplacken and Oberreifenberg and the L 3004 between Hohemark and Sandplacken to Schmitten are closed.

Snow trips in the Corona winter cause chaos in the Hochtaunuskreis – a coordinated approach is required

In addition to the First District Member, Thorsten Schorr (CDU) participated in the consultation. The mayors of Glashütten, Königstein and Schmitten as well as Oberursel’s First City Council are also in a telephone switch. It was agreed that the difficult situation could only be overcome with a coordinated approach. That has not been the case in the past few days. Above all, Falkenstein was choked in traffic because day trippers were looking for their way into the snow past the barriers. Königstein’s mayor Helm (CDU) makes no secret of his criticism of the crisis management so far. He pointed out the foreseeable problem to the police, traffic authorities and neighboring communities long before the holidays: Should the Feldberg with its many parking spaces, enough people would have to be assigned to monitor – at all other entry points to the Taunus that are “close to Frankfurt”.

The Taunus community Schmitten am is also one of the victims of the influx of visitors Great Feldberg. Mayor Marcus Kinkel (independent) does not believe in the effect of bans. “We won’t get a grip on anything, there are problems that cannot be solved in the world,” he says. If you are now asked to control visitors on forest paths, then the question arises: “Who is doing this? None! “

December 5th, 2020, Schmitten (Hessen): The landscape around the Großer Feldberg im Taunus is wintry with around 15cm of snow. All parking spaces in the Feldberg area were already occupied in the morning.

© picture alliance / Jan Eifert

In addition to the Feldberg: Frankfurt snow trippers are also drawn to the Odenwald

Also the Neunkirchner Höhe, the highest elevation in Hessian Odenwald, was on Sunday from Snow trippers overrun. Three police patrol cars helped the Modautal municipality to block the access from the direction of Brandau and Winterkasten. There were traffic violations against the parking and drive-through ban, said a spokeswoman for the South Hesse police headquarters of the FR. The lock was lifted in the afternoon. However, it was too big on Monday Rush of visitors came. The 605 meter high elevation in the Darmstadt-Dieburg district every year, when it first snows, it is the destination of many hikers and families with children who want to toboggan there.

“As extreme as this year” you have Rush but not yet experienced, said Modautal’s mayor Jörg Lautenschläger (CDU). Field and forest paths as well as escape routes were parked. The people are out Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Aschaffenburg and Ludwigshafen approached. This is certainly related to the fact that people are currently unable to travel and other peaks are closed. The district is currently coordinating future closures. If so many people came again, the main road would have to be cordoned off again. That is why Lautenschläger advises against coming to the Neunkirchner Höhe, also with a view to the coming weekend. In other places in the area you could just as easily go for a walk in the snow and toboggan a little.

Snow trips in the Corona winter in Hessen: There is also a lot going on in the Rhön and Vogelsberg

Also the Wasserkuppe in the Rhön and the Hoherodskopf in Vogelsberg were overrun at the weekend and closed early in the morning. Mayors from the two responsible municipalities had contacted people via Facebook and asked not to visit their places in the current situation – although tourism is usually an important economic factor there. (cka / ahi / ust / dpa) * fnp.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © Armin Weigel / dpa

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