Wednesday and belowfreezing point.the winter weather i knowwait in the next few weeksexpectation for the snow.let’s see how to do it.reporter: this could be thepanorama soon in new york.they are already cleaning thestreets where there the pandemic,outdoor spaces forthey are narrow-minded.I imagine it accumulates a lotsnow in the corner.>> is difficult. snow uslimits so that the traffic ispeople don’t visit us for that.reporter: we went tosanitation department ofthe city to know how they are going toFix this.>> this is new to ussince last year andWe learned how to collect thesnow.reporter: this will be the challengeof the small army of 10,000department workerssanitation.we talk about more than 6300 milesof roads. it’s the samedistance that separates us fromArgentina and it is done withsmall machinery.>> is for small spaces,sidewalks, sidewalks, slopesdisabled.>> we have a shovel that canwithdraw large amounts ofsnows. can be movedquickly without problems.reporter: they have avery great responsibility, theresponsibility to allowthe others who go out into the street.>> we work at 4:00 in thetomorrow so everyone canmove safely.