Home » today » World » Winning the Georgia Senate runoff, the Democratic Party is expected to return to the U.S. Congress? _Biden

Winning the Georgia Senate runoff, the Democratic Party is expected to return to the U.S. Congress? _Biden

Original title: Winning the Georgia Senate runoff, the Democratic Party is expected to return to the US Congress?

China News Service, January 7th. Comprehensive foreign media reported on the 7th that the result of the “runoff” in the Georgia Senate was announced. The Democratic Party of US President-elect Biden is expected to win two seats. This means that Democrats are expected to control both houses of Congress and the White House at the same time, removing obstacles to the Biden administration’s legislative path.

The US Senate consists of two senators from each of the 50 states. After the presidential election, including two independent senators who voted unanimously with the Democrats, the Democrats currently have 48 seats in the Senate and the Republicans occupy 50 seats. In Georgia, because no senator candidate received more than half of the votes in the general election, two Senate seats must be determined through a second round of elections by state law.

On January 5th, Georgia held two “final elections.” According to the latest news from The Washington Post, Georgia Democrats Rafael Warnock and Jon Osoff defeated their Republican opponents and won two seats in the Senate.

This means that after the Democratic Party takes two seats, there will be a 50-50 situation between the two parties. Vice President-elect Harris can cast a decisive vote at a critical moment. The Democratic Party controls both houses of Congress and the White House.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) stated that the White House, Senate and House of Representatives will all be under the control of the Democratic Party, which will be the first time since Obama was elected in 2008. The Democratic Party will control the Senate and House of Representatives and remove obstacles to the legislative path of the next President Biden. This result will deal a heavy blow to the outgoing President Trump and his Republican Party.Return to Sohu to see more


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