Rescuing traditions, customs, myths and legends that are part of the cultural fabric of our country, especially in rural areas, is the objective of the Stories of Our Land short story, poem and drawing contest, whose regional winners of the 2023 edition were awarded. in a ceremony held in the town of El Tambo, in San Vicente de Tagua Tagua.
The contest, for 32 years, has made visible the stories from the most remote corners of the country; in addition to motivating and encouraging writing and reading; and create a record of oral tradition and intangible heritage. The initiative is carried out annually by the Ministry of Agriculture and organized by the Agricultural Communications, Training and Culture Foundation (FUCOA).
In the activity, headed by the Seremi of Agriculture, Cristian Silva Rosales and the executive director of FUCOA, Claudio Urtubia Cornejo; together with local and neighborhood authorities, applications for the new 2024 call were also recalled and will be open until June 27 at
During the activity carried out at the El Tambo Professional Technical High School, the Seremi of Agriculture, pointed out that “it is very important to highlight the work that is carried out in rural areas, both in the productive aspect and also in the cultural aspect. We believe that this initiative is very important and especially to celebrate and recognize the winners, since we can share experiences and literature with children, young people and actors from the rural world, which makes us know and understand the culturality that we are developing in the rural sectors of our region.”
One of the winners was Constanza Binimelis Negrete, a teacher from Machalí, who won first place regionally in Stories for People over 14 years old, and who highlighted how “important it is to continue with rural traditions, those that we have heard since childhood and continue to spread them. so that they can be passed on from generation to generation. This is super important to not lose this intangible heritage that is so necessary in the Region and throughout the Country.”
For his part, Claudio Urtubia, highlighted that “what must be highlighted first is the place where this ceremony takes place, and this is a great initiative of the Seremi de Agricultura de O’Higgins, to do it at the Liceo Técnico Agrícola de El Tambo, a rural community where there is a tremendous heritage of stories but also of agriculture; rural world, stories, stories, products, it is a very appropriate place and it has been very noticeable in the entire participating community for the awarding of the winners from the entire O’Higgins region.”
The winners in O’Higgins
The following are the participants from the O’Higgins region who were awarded in the different categories and whose works were published in the “Anthology” compilation of the 2023 call:
Basic Education Drawing:
- Third place nationally: Sofía Alexandra Farfán Moreno, 14 years old (Rancagua).
Stories under 14 years old:
- Special Traditional Cuisine Award: Juan Alberto Iturriaga Brito (Santa Cruz).
- First regional place: Constanza Binimelis Negrete (Machalí).
- Second regional place, Edgar Jara Galaz (Requínoa).
- Regional third place: Hugo Gonzalez Gonzalez (St. Vincent).
- Special Trajectory Award: Luis Arturo Ibarra Gonzalez (San Fernando).
- First regional place: Francisco Javier Castro Soto (San Vicente de Tagua Tagua).
- Second regional place: Alexandra Odalys Hormazábal Rubilar (Rancagua).
- Regional third place: Thomas Ruben Marambio Retamal (Pichidegua).
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