Home » today » Entertainment » Winners of the Kilogram Culture 2021 “award announced! Award ceremony and concert / LR3 / / Latvijas Radio

Winners of the Kilogram Culture 2021 “award announced! Award ceremony and concert / LR3 / / Latvijas Radio

Live from Latvian Television – Latvian Public Media of the Year Award “Kilogram of culture 2021” presentation ceremony or a summary of last year’s brightest cultural events and commemoration of the winners in nine categories: “Culture”, “Music”, “Cinema”, “Theater”, “Literature”, “Visual Arts”, “Surprise” and “Event “.

The social media started the new season of cultural programs with the slogan “Culture moves”, and we will hold this year’s “Kilograms of Culture” ceremony in an equally moving mood. It will be a thank you to everyone who has created events in the last year that move everything out of the comfortable and the mundane. And thanks also to those who allowed themselves and moved with them.

“There is a lot in culture in 2021, and such a list of nominees would also beautify the balance of a healthy year. liking a culture lover for great ideas and quality, “explains Latvijas Radio 3 -” Klasika “director and jury representative Gunda Vaivode.

The “Kilograms of Culture 2021” ceremony is hosted by the very playful cultural reporter of the program “Kultūrdeva” and a great admirer of the mood of the 1980s, as well as Latvian Radio and Latvian Television cultural journalists and broadcasters: Daira Āboliņa, Lilita Eglīte, Jānis Holšteins-Upmanis, Henrieta Verhoustins and Adriana Rose, Tom Treiberg, as well as “Classic” ether personalities Liene Yakovlev, Orest Silabriedis and Edgars Raginskis.

The live broadcast is “Classic” Inta Pīrāga.

An Latvian musician and producer will perform an interactive audiovisual performance Rick Fedsspectators and listeners are delighted by violinist Daniils Bulajevs and Andrejs Jegorovs, Klinta Kluce, Maksims Skibickis, as well as the choir “Ave Sol” (conductor Andris Veismanis, pianist – composer Raimonds Tiguls), Viktorija Pakalniece and soloist of the Latvian National Opera Rihards Millers, Jānis Sinfonietta Riga musicians.

Winners of “Kilogram of Culture 2021”


  • Concert of Elīna Garanča and Raimonds Pauls “If You Weren’t …”. July 24, Latvian National Theater, Sinfonietta Rigaconductor Normunds Šnē and instrumental group led by Raimonds Macata.


  • Andris Kalnozols’ novel “Calendar calls me”. Publishing house “Orbīta”.


  • Christian Brecht’s wall painting “Dedication to Jam Skulme”. Art Needs Space Foundation.


  • A series of feature films “Emilija. Queen of the Latvian Press”. Directors Andis Mizišs, Kristīne Želve, Dāvis Sīmanis, Gints Grūbe. Studio Mistrus Media.


  • The restored Ķemeri Historical Park. Jurmala City Council, SIA Livland Group, general partnership “RERE BMV”, SIA “Isliena V” and SIA “Jurēvičs un partneri”.

Cultural place

  • Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center

In the category “My cultural place”, everyone had the opportunity to nominate their favorite place to enjoy culture throughout the past year. In the final of the prize, all cultural places were submitted for public voting – a total of 36 – in 2021.

Visual arts

  • Aivars Wilipsons tab “Here lives Chuck”. Alexander Chuck Museum.


  • Performance “Smile”. Daile Theater, director Viesturs Kairišs.


  • For the centenary of Imanta and Gido Kokaru dedicated evening of festive songs “BrotherBrother”. August 14, Mežaparks Grand Stage, director Juris Jonelis, artistic director Romans Vanags.


About “Kilograms of Culture”

The jury of the award “Kilograms of Culture 2021” consists of LTV, LR and LSM cultural professionals – Ieva Rozentāle, head of LTV Cultural Programs, journalists Lilita Eglīte, Eva Johansone, Daira Āboliņa and Henrieta Verhoustinska, LR3 “Klasika” director Gunda Vaivode, journalists Liene Jakovļeva and LR1 journalist Toms Treibergs, as well as the editor of the LSM culture section of the portal Laila Burāne.

The prize money for the winners of “Kilograms of Culture 2021” is provided by the Future Support Fund.

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