The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries distributed 18,383.8 tons of the quota of fresh beef cuts destined for the US for the current year 2023.
The largest beneficiaries are Swift (Minerva), Quickfood (Marfrig), Arrebeef, Frigorífico Gorina, FRIAR, Frigorífico Alberdi/Carnes Pampeanas (Lequio family), SA Impo. and Exp. from Patagonia (Braun family) and Azul Natural Beef.
Regarding joint projects, the largest amounts were allocated to Malefu Agropecuaria, Carnes Vireyes, Carne Hereford, Aliarg and Abuelo Julio.
The requests submitted by Matadero and Frigorífico Federal, La Ganadera Arenales, Ganadera de las Pampas, the Argentine Association of Limousin Breeders, Agropecuaria Santa María and Frigorífico Gral. Dehesa were rejected.
It was determined that an amount of 1,616.1 tons will integrate the “Free Availability Fund”, of which 1,248.7 correspond to the “Industry” category and 367.4 to “Joint Projects”.
The winners of the “Joint Projects” category will have a period of up to 30 calendar days from this Wednesday to ratify or rectify the list of producers that will participate in exports to the US within the framework of the zero-tariff quota. Once that period expires, those who were informed by the successful bidder during the registration period will be considered as original producers.
The national government recently proceeded to modify the conditions of access to the 20,000-tonne boneless beef export quota destined for the US with the purpose of promoting shipments with higher added value and restricting the entry of low-skilled operators.
The criteria for awarding the US meat quota were updated with greater penalties for non-compliers