As ‘Winia’, a home appliance manufacturer, enters the corporate rehabilitation process, the difficulties faced by its partners in the Gwangju area are not limited.
To help them, a movement is being launched to buy kimchi refrigerators.
Among financial institutions, Nonghyup Bank was the first to donate 150 million won.
Reporter Kim Beom-hwan reports.
Winia has decided on a sales management company and has begun attracting investment in earnest to normalize management.
Gwangju-area partner companies are holding on steadfastly thanks to help from all walks of life and self-rescue efforts.
[박재덕 / 위니아 협력업체 대표 : 여러 지자체와 광산구청, 광주 테크노파크 직원분들이 많은 도움을 주셔서 저희 협력사가 아직 한 업체도 부도가 안 나고 여기까지 버티고 있습니다.]
Winia’s representative products are kimchi refrigerators,
We are continuing our compassionate efforts to save our partner companies.
Ahead of Christmas, among financial institutions, Nonghyup Bank was the first to willingly donate 150 million won for a kimchi refrigerator, asking for it to be distributed to the underprivileged.
[박내춘 / NH농협은행 광주본부장 : 어려울 때 서로에게 조금 힘이 되고 위로해 주는 그런 미덕을 갖고 있지 않습니까. 우리 광주경제가 어려울 때 그 어려움이 대유 위니아에만, 광주 경제에만 국한되지 않고 거기에 종사하고 계시는 분들은 우리의 가족이고 형제이고 친구라고 생각하고 있습니다.]
Gwangju Metropolitan City, which helped designate a small and medium-sized business support area, is also seeking to designate Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju, where the factory is located, as an employment crisis area.
Gwangju Metropolitan City went beyond providing financial support to partner companies and directly purchased more than 50 kimchi refrigerators.
[강기정 / 광주광역시장 : 따뜻한 크리스마스 선물을 우리 이웃에게, 대유 위니아 협력업체 지원 사업을 위해서 이렇게 선뜻 결심해 주셔서 참으로 따뜻하고 감사드립니다.]
Winia accounts for about 4% of the Gwangju region’s economy.
The kimchi refrigerator purchase campaign started by Nonghyup is expected to have a butterfly effect on other financial institutions as well.
This is Kim Beom-hwan of YTN.
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