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WindTre VS Iliad. Comparison. Because WindTre pays dearly for Iliad’s arrival

3 million customers lost in one year. More than 6 million escaped in two, or from the arrival of Iliad. In practice, Wind and 3, by joining together, have created a giant which, however, in just two years has lost a number of customers equal to 70% of those who were 3. A merger, now let’s face it clearly, failed. There have been many wrong things but probably the real coup de grace to the dreams of the Chinese was those of Iliad.

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Several times during the week, on our Telegram Channel, the posts to tell the latest news from the Iliad world.

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WindTre, minus 3 million. Iliad wins the commercial battle

The most curious thing is that it was the marriage between Wind and 3 that gave rise to the birth of Iliad. The fourth place released after the merger between the two previously rival companies allowed Iliad to bring its famous revolution to our market. And today, the fourth mobile operator travels to around 6 million customers. Just the same number of those who fled WindTre in the last two years.

But what are the reasons for the WindTre crisis? What went wrong in the marriage operation?

The difficulties were objectively many. Among the many, we can identify a certain uncertainty in the management of brands. First two, Wind and 3, still distinct and also competitors, then a new brand (WindTre) arrived perhaps too late but which inherits the worst characteristics of the other two.

The relaunch under a new brand (which again has nothing) did not allow WindTre to gather the necessary courage to abandon old commercial policies. Hateful before, unbearable today that there is a totally transparent company like Iliad on the market.

The new WindTre offers, even if apparently convenient, continue on the path of constraints, asterisks, additional costs, without therefore being able to convince users attracted by low cost revolution, now also carried out by Kena, Ho and Very.

And maybe it’s Very another WindTre mistake. A brand that came out of nowhere, a little soulless. But in part it does what the main brand should have done. That is to simplify, speak in simple language by advertising costs with maximum transparency. In short, the Very Mobile brand should probably have been the new soul of this suffering WindTre.

WindTre fares are less convenient than Iliad fares

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Theme rates, those of Iliad are cheaper in nine cases out of ten, are just the tip of the iceberg of a defeat that is happening today on all fronts. Obviously, in our opinion.

If you want to read the our review of Iliad click here. Given the young age, the fourth mobile operator has some limitations, of course. But all in all, the operator uses a very good part of the WindTre infrastructure and therefore in comparison, in terms of coverage, there are no particular differences between Iliad and W3.

However, the next few months will be very interesting. WindTre has lost a lot but it is also true that it is part of a large international group that does not seem to be afraid to spend and invest. Under the strong leadership of Hutchison WindTre it could then straighten the course.

For Iliad, on the other hand, the great challenge is that of fiber. The landline is the next terrain of conquest, thanks to the partnership signed with Open Fiber. There Iliad will try to challenge its usual competitors, and WindTre itself, leveraging the effect convergence. Fixed and mobile together, to create even more loyalty in a rapidly growing clientele who are satisfied with the fourth French option in the telephone market.

We at 4Fan.it will obviously continue to follow the events of Iliad but also of the main competitors, both as regards the main brands and the younger secondary ones.

Now, as always, the word goes to you and your opinions. What do you think about the flight of customers from WindTre? Do you think the company will be able to stop the continuous leakage of portability? Let us know in the space below dedicated to comments. If you haven’t done so yet, subscribe now to our Telegram Channel.

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